Two hens not laying but vent looks inflammed


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 18, 2013
I have five hens, two are very old now and don't lay often at all and one is laying perfectly but the two others have stopped totally in the last 10 days. They're not broody, we haven't made any big changes to anything but they won't lay. Today I examined their vents and pulled a long white thing from one of them. Definitely not a worm but could be part of a badly formed shell- very floppy. Both have lost all feathers around breast area and have redder than normal vents. Checked for withheld egg but couldn't feel one. One hen had some white discharge around her vent. I'm wondering if it's vent gleet? How can I work out if it is and treat it if that's what it is? Both have lovely combs and don't seem in pain.
That was probably an egg membrane of a shell-less egg that you pulled out. She may be having some problem with her shell gland or something temporary. Vent gleet causes red and white patches around the vent, almost like scalding, and a smelly continuous diarrheal discharge. White secretions may be uric acids. Sometimes hens will pass cooked egg-like material if they are laying internally. There could be some feather picking or vent pecking going on causing the feather loss and red vents. A bad tasting antifungal cream such as Nu-stock may help the vent areas and keep them from pecking. Can you post a picture? Here is some info on vent gleet to help determine if that is what you are seeing:
Thanks :) they seem a bit happier today although still no eggs, but Toffee (the one who I pulled the membrane from) is tucking into food and water and so is Curly Wurly... no change on the vents, I'll try and get a picture if I can get somebody else to help hold them! Where can I get hold of some cream for their vents if I need to?
Nustock can be found in some farm or feed stores. Shipping at online stores can be expensive . Some offer free shipping if you order a minimum amount if you use other products. Nustock cream is mad of sulfur powder, pine oil, and an oil base. Many have tried making their own. Sometimes sulfur powder is available in garden centers in summer. For a non-medicated bad tasting ointment to help discourage pecking, some use BenGay (menthol,) Bag Balm, or some of the anti-pick products at feed stores. Here are a couple of sites for Nustock:

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