Two more! Not allowed to go to Ace anymore...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
Well, chicken math struck! My husband went into Ace for some bolts and of course I had to go check out the chicks! They had lots of new chicks in! I couldn't help myself...I was suckered right in! Ended up buying a Silver Laced Wyandotte and a Buff Orpington chick

Both of them are too stinkin' cute! They both already seem pretty friendly...still kind of shocked from the ride home and still not too sure about their new brooder, but all in all they seem to be healthy, happy lil chicks.

Have to run to the store to get more pine shavings (used the rest of what I had in my White Leghorns new coop), so they're brooder is coated with paper towels right now. I think I'll keep the paper towels since the bottom of the brooder (a big Rubbermaid tub) is quite slick.

I was wondering what peoples thoughts are on medicated feed for the lil' ones and ideas on encouraging them to drink and eat. Should I just be patient and let them find their way to the food and water? Or should I put them near it and show them what it is?

The 2 chicks I got a few weeks ago were much older (about 3 weeks) than these lil girlies and they went straight for the food and water in their brooder. These guys are just hanging out at the opposite end of the tub.

Thanks for any feedback!

Right now I have regular non-medicated chick starter crumble in their feeder and like I mentioned above, I'm curious what people think about medicated food and what brand would be good if you do use it. I've heard and read mixed reviews on medicated, so I was just curious. They are being kept inside with me for a few days, then I'll move them to my warm, closed off laundry room. Again, thanks for any feedback!

Adorable!!!! I would dip their beaks into the water and make sure they are drinking. Did they say when they got the shipment of chicks in?

Medicated feed versus non-medicated: Seems everyone differs on this-heard good & bad on both. I personally give them medicated for the first few weeks or until I run out-whichever comes first.

(Should we place bets on whether another chick sneaks home with the new pine shavings your picking up?)
I can't recall when the guy working there said when they got them. I think a few days ago? I was too captivated by their cuteness!

I was thinking about mixing the medicated and non-medicated since I have a full bag of non-medicated for my 7-8 week old chicks (I would just keep giving them the plain non-medicated). When I got my other chicks, I was told that non-medicated would be fine since they weren't lil babies...they've done perfectly fine on it.

Is the mana pro (yellow bag I think) good stuff? Or do you use something else?

AHAHA! If we were going somewhere that had chicks, it would be quite possible!

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