two "odd egg" ??s from what i gathered today (pic of hole in egg added


10 Years
Mar 28, 2009
Near Asheville, NC
1) i think my RSL laid two eggs today. i definitely collected one from her yesterday, and today there were three brown eggs (one clearly from my BO--way fatter, shinier, darker, and not smooth at all) and two that looked like the RSLs except one was way lighter in color than usual...i guess like a tint...just barely brown. in the light it looks speckled with white, it's so light brown, if that makes sense. she's only been laying a couple months and is about a year old. is it possible she laid two eggs in one day?

2) on of my leghorns eggs has a tiny hole in the end. egg is not leaking out--membrane seems intact but i can see into the egg. this is from an older bird who still lays regularly (about every other day). i'll post a pic when i upload, but any ideas? malformation or pecked?
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You didn't get a response yet, so let me see if I can help.

From what I know chickens lay an egg every 25 - 26 hours. Though I've seen others on this forum insist their hens laid 2 in 1 day so I wouldn't definitely rule it out, I just wouldn't think it likely. I would see who else might be laying.

As for the hole in the egg. It happens, it could be a defect or it could have been a curious hen poking. I've noticed a few of my eggs recently had holes in the shell, but the membrane was intact. Its hard to say, If it looks like the shell is pushed in I'd say pecked. If the openning is smooth, I'd lean toward defect.

I know, not much help, but maybe someone else will chime in with a better response.

My RSL did the same thing. She laid 2 eggs in a day and the second one was just barely tinted brown: her two are on the right in the lineup

It was just a fluke and she hasn't done it since.

At that time I only had 4 layers, and I collected 5 eggs. Only the RSL laid brown and she lays in her own nest apart from the others. Unless my rooster popped out an egg, she done it.
thank you! i only have two brown egg layers, and i collected two brown eggs yesterday (so i know there were none "forgotten" in the nest overnight) and three brown eggs today! glad to hear i am not crazy. the light brown on the second egg is odd, isn't if they used their supply of brown for the day already?

re: the egg...i am leaning toward defect. am wondering if i can still eat it though!
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A friend has just two RSL hens and he often gets three eggs a day. One bird lays two medium sized eggs, and the other lays an enormous one. His birds are very well fed and cared for and it certainly has paid off.
interesting...i let mine out yesterday for a LONG time to free range in the garden...the longest time they've ranged since she started laying. they have a 30x30 pen but you know how much more there is to eat in a garden! they were scratching up the compost pile, new beds (nothing's planted yet), and eating bugs from the logs i was building raised beds with. maybe, just maybe, she got a lot of extra good protein yesterday!
That definitely looks like a defect. Its like it didn't completely seal the shell as it moved through the tube. (Sorry I can't remember the technical terminology). It happens. If you don't already, maybe offer them some free choice calcium.


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