two separate flocks, can they both eat layer feed?


9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
I originally bought 5 hens, built them a coop, then realized I had plenty of room for more. So, I went and got 6 more. The first flock is about 8-9 weeks old, the second is about 5 weeks old. We just ran out of chick starter so I have to go to the feed store today. The people who sold me the chicks sold me a 40 lb bag of starter and said to just finish it off then start them on grower/layer feed. do you think both flocks are ready for grower/layer?

What I have been told is:

Starter food for the 1st 8-10 weeks, 20% protein.
Grower food until they start laying, 15% protein.
Layer food thereafter 16% protein with added calcium.

Some say that the extra calcium is not good for the chickens before they start laying.
I personally fed my flock layer food when some of the pullets were ~ 14 weeks old, I purchased 1 bag of grower and when it was empty I just started feeding them layer food. Plus the other chickens were eating the grower food instead of the layer pellets, guess they like the crumble better.

My understanding is the important thing is not to feed the starter food for too long, it has a higher protein content and will cause them to mature too fast which can cause problems like a prolapsed vent. It's best to have them grow up a little slower and start laying a little later so they don't have any of these health problems.
For my flock, I use Purina Flock Raiser which has alot more protein than layer. Layer also has calcium which the "toddlers" don't need yet.
I just set out a bowl of oyster shell, and the hens are smart enough to know they need it. The rooster and toddlers barely give it a 2nd look.
Ok, so grower is the way to go, right? I do have a dish of oyster shell available but they're not interested at all yet, like you said, they know when they need it, and they wont for a while yet.

I just don't want to have to buy both starter and grower and somehow keep it separate, but if the toddlers can handle grower then grower it is.
This is what I do too, either flock raiser or gamebird feed (20-22%) with oyster shell free choice. I have a mixed flock from 2 weeks old to almost 3 years old and I've found this to be the best way to feed my free ranging crew. Since it's non-medicated I keep Corid on hand in case of a cocci outbreak, but haven't needed to use it yet. Mine free range and it's impossible to feed everyone seperately, they all want what another chook has.
This is what I do too, either flock raiser or gamebird feed (20-22%) with oyster shell free choice. I have a mixed flock from 2 weeks old to almost 3 years old and I've found this to be the best way to feed my free ranging crew. Since it's non-medicated I keep Corid on hand in case of a cocci outbreak, but haven't needed to use it yet. Mine free range and it's impossible to feed everyone seperately, they all want what another chook has.

Yup, Flock Raiser. I feed it to everybody. Hens, pullets, Roo, Chicks, Quail and guineas. My largest hen weighs about 8lbs. My chicks are big and feathering out nicely.

If you can't find Flock Raiser, I suggest you keep them all on Starter or Grower until everybody is laying. Starter won't hurt your older birds but the calcium in the Layer can hurt the young ones.

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