Two sets of goslings


11 Years
Oct 14, 2008
Central Indiana
I have two sets of goslings. The first set hatched 2 weeks ago this Friday. The second set hatched last night. The nests are currently in different location. I would like to move mama 2 and her babies in an enclosure with the other goslings and mama 1. Is this a bad idea? Will they fight over the babies or will they coparent?
I have never been in the situation, but I can only imagine bad things happening. What if they become territorial and kill the other goose's goslings? I just don't think it would be a good idea. Why can't they stay seperate?
In my limited experience I find that older goslings are not so nice to younger goslings... but eventually start to bond. I would not move them. Besides, it can be stressful for them.
Thanks for the responses. I figured that would be the answer but I was hoping for "They'll be fine!"
The only reason I've considered moving them is because these geese are outside. My son and I were able to build a shelter/pen for the first set to protect them from the storms (yes, I know wild geese have no protection and they'd most likely be fine...but it still bothered me). The second set is in place where I don't think that will be possible. I'll have to put my engineering husband to work to figure that out.

Yesterday I noticed mama 2 out in the field with the 3 other geese and the first group of goslings. I panicked and DH and I ran out to find she'd brought her babies with her. Both groups of goslings were huddled down about 3 feet from each other...with the smallest of the youngest group huddled right in the middle of the older group. We gathered up the youngsters and mama two and encouraged them to stay close to the nest. I realize, more for my sanity than anything.

Thanks again for your responses.
The worst "danger" would be from the older goslings, they are total snots to stranger goslings/chicks/ducklings. The adults will LIKELY seek to protect and parent any goslings, whether they hatched them or not.

I had three week olds and then got five more hatchlings when I lived in Idaho. The three week olds were very mean to the new babies. Once their size discrepancy wasn't so bad, I put them all together and at least they couldn't really hurt one another. They were exposed to one another daily all day (but separated) to promote familiarity.

Goslings will and do die from bad weather, esp in the first few days. Wild geese often hatch 10 or more goslings, only to bring a couple to maturity. Even good goose parents with a lot of goslings might not keep one or two warm enough, if there are quite a few.

I turned over my goslings when they were about four weeks old and it was no longer bearable to keep them in the house (stink and mess). They were big enough to manage themselves, and young enough the adult geese still wanted to parent them.

THere were a couple of stories here about an adult goose killing a gosling. That is EXTREMELY rare. That is not a normal goose (gander, in this incident). Ganders are as maternal as the geese. So it's smart to watch them to make sure, but it's not likely to happen. I gave a flock of six ganders four female goslings and they did great with them
im not sure if this is any help but i had a gosling living with some chicks the same age and then i had to move her to chicks who were a week younger. the goose first got angry if the chicks got to close but now they are all fine together
A bit of a panic this morning. Mama 2 was off in the field with mama one, the papas and the older goslings. I couldn't find the young ones. When I finally did they were in the back yard, all huddled in a little pile. Is it normal for mama to walk that far away from them (probably 100 yards or so)? Should I bring the younger ones in the house for a couple weeks?

Sorry for all the questions. These have been our first hatches. When we got the parents as goslings I knew what I should do because "we" were the parents.
Sounds like they think they are done being mama. I had some birds that where great with sitting but never raised anything. Anymore I brood everything myself. I am good at it. Never any losses that way.
Well, she is still being mama...just to the older goslings. They are all caring for the older ones, but don't seem to interested in the young ones.

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