Two truths and a lie!


8 Years
Nov 20, 2011
Wherever Angel is~
You give three examples, two are true, one is a lie. Someone guesses what the lie is. Then the OP says if it's right or wrong. Then the person guessing the OP's tells two
truths and a lie. For example (For LittleLady's, I just made stuff up, I didn't know what to put that was true and what wasn't XD)
SCM: 1) I love Avatar. 2) I have a performance on Friday. 3) My dog is a pitbull.
LittleLady98: 2?
SCM: Nope! Number 3 was the lie! Your turn!
LittleLady98: Okay! 1) I love cats. 2) I play the flute. 3) I have an Android.
HollyBird24: 1?
LittleLady98: Nope! Number 2! (( psst, this is SCM, I'm putting something in here. I don't know if any of those were true, I was just giving an example ;) ))

You get the idea? Okay!

1) I have a black lab/german shepherd mutt 2) I am a fan of Justin Beiber 3) I often sing to my chickens.
1) I love owls 2) I play violin 3) I love eating plastic

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