Two Weird Dreams: Wanna Analyze?


Slightly Touched
9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
New Hampshire
Okay, can't believe I'm going to type this, but they are after all, only dreams, so who cares, right?

I had these two dreams the last two nights. First one, then the 2nd one the next night.

Dream #1. Greg Kinnear was some sort of teacher of mine. I was an adult in my dream (as I really am), so I'm not sure why I had a teacher, but I did and it was him. I was sitting on a bench and he came and sat down and was talking to me, and it became clear he was flirting with me. In my dream he seemed very attractive, and I was surprised he was taking such personal interest in me. The next thing I know he was giving me a ride somewhere (maybe a ride home?) in his car. His car was very nice, and he was sharply dressed and I remember being very impressed. He gave me his cell phone number, which was (111) 111-1111, and I said "Wow, what a great phone number, my dad would love that!" and he said he planned to get rid of it (for whatever reason) and that my dad could have it if he'd be willing to trade "some of his junk". I laughed and said my dad has lots of junk (true) but I doubted he'd have any interest in it.

Dream #2: Ryan Seacrest was my boss, in some sort of office atmosphere. It was an upscale kind of office and Ryan Seacrest was the boss, who people admired and were intimidated of (laughing as I type that). But Ryan Seacrest liked me, and we had some sort of romance going, even though I worked under him, so to speak. He was very kind to me, and treated me very special. I also remember he too was very sharply dressed. Also in that dream, I was all dressed nice, high heels, nice skirt etc., which I haven't done in a LONG time.

Okay, so here's the thing: I don't have any sort of celebrity crush on either of these guys in real life! Greg Kinnear is okay, and can be funny, and Ryan Seacrest I have no interest in whatsoever, although he seems nice enough. So I'm really not into either of them. Another weird thing, in my dreams I was very impressed with how they each dressed, when in real life I'm a jeans and t-shirt girl, not materialistic at all, who likes down to earth men with dirt under their nails that do hands-on work, and fancy cars really don't impress me. And in my dreams both of these men made me feel so special. What the heck!?!?!

Each day, I woke up laughing, wondering why the heck I would have those dreams. Now logically, I can realize, Greg Kinnear was just on Ellen and I watched that episode, and of course I watched Ryan Seacrest on Idol last night. So I get why they might pop up in my dreams, but what's with the rest? The attraction, the being "so impressed" with them, being treated special, both of them in positions of authority, noticing how nice they dressed, etc? None of that even fits my interests, other than wanting to feel special, who doesn't want that?

Very weird. I often have vivid dreams, but these really threw me for a loop.

I think maybe I've been alone in the woods too long.
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Well, I was thinking of it before you said, and then you did... you had seen both of them on the tv recently. And we often dream of what we have recently seen or thought about or experienced... I think its our brains way of reorganizing those memory files into the appropriate folders while we sleep.
Then the rest of it is, as I have noticed in mine, your brian (conscious maybe waking a little) says.. "OH! Its all about me here.. this is me, my mind.. Where do *I* fit into this" and then it has to find a way to fit you into the story so it can continue focusing on that memory and reorginizing it... the other parts, like the way your dressed and the way their dressed and the car and such, is just your mind knowing what would be most likely in that scenario (IE rich folks) and trying to make it all work out so it makes sense as a story, otherwise it just doesent understand it.
I will often remember odd moments in my dreams where I may wake a tiny bit and say "wait, that couldnt happen like that" and then the dream will rework itself to make more sense, with me often chiming in a bit.... LOL
Yeah, I havent studied this of course! Just what I think!
Wait, who's Brian? Now I'm really confused! Just kidding, I know you meant brain.
While everything you said makes perfect sense, I still think Mahonri is right on the money.... I need a man. As much as I'm enjoying the solitude and my independence here in the woods, this is the longest I've ever been single. That HAS to be playing a role here.
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Yes, Yes, you were dreaming of Brian that other time! Dont you remember him?

Heres the parts that sound (to me as an outsider) like they are coming from you, and not part of the scenario...
was talking to me, and it became clear he was flirting with me.
He was very kind to me, and treated me very special

If I were you, I'd go off of that

Now I dont think anyone could interperet one of my weirdo ones lately
If I were you, I'd go off of that

Now I dont think anyone could interperet one of my weirdo ones lately

Wouldn't I die if I was down at my local Rite-Aid in the next few days, and meet some guy named Brian!
I hope, if hes cute, you dont die!

Now can you please explain to me, why do I dream of orange chickens? Really orange, everywhere... no dye...
Oh, that's easy. You see, the receptors in the frontal cortex of your brain process and hold colors. Since logic isn't fully accessed when the brain is in REM mode, the right hemisphere of the brain, known primarily for creativity take over brain waves and inserts random colors to things that are highly meaningful, or significant in the sleeping persons' mind. While these colors are random, there is some evidence of connection between color and mood, and so it would be a logical connection to associate chickens, having little negative connotations, with that of a bright, active color, such as yellow or orange. Thus, one could conclude that your brain is associating chickens with vibrance and positive feelings. In short, you're fond of chickens.

So back to Ryan, Brian and Greg... ya think I have a chance? I'm thinking of going for Greg. I mean, he's married and all, but I'm pretty sure I can break it up and be a step-mother to his children....

Kidding. I totally made that all up.

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