Two Weird Dreams: Wanna Analyze?

Maybe tonight, you'll dream about Mahonri and him incubating your baby for Easter
I do have to admit that is an odd assortment of things thrown into a dream. But like another poster mentioned dreams are a part of your brain processing and filing the information you have aquired. I talk about this type of memory and dreaming in psychology class quite a bit, its interesting stuff. The human brain is an amazing piece of work.....
I dreamed about chickens last week(and I never dream, or never remember it anyway)...was very vivid and a good dream. I think I was doing so because they were on my mind as I went to sleep, same may be the case for you with your current tv watching habits. I miss seeing my chickens and having some quality farm time, so conversely for are subconsciously telling yourself you want/need the company of a man....
Or it could just be a big load of pic haha....
Yeah, it seems logical that it's a combo from things from the day (TV) and things on my mind in general (apparently men). And I don't know if I WANT or NEED a man, or both. Sometimes I think I need one around, just don't really want one, other times I think I just want a man, but don't really need him!
No, I'm kidding, I like men. Just need to find the right one I suppose...

But the part that really baffles me is all the sharply dressed, nice car crap. I don't care about any of that! And no one around here fits that description, that's for sure.
I better keep my eye out for an out of towner.
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Maybe your thoughts of clean dressed men and nice cars is your minds response to your current atmosphere of having none of those things in your area and not liking what is currently available to you......?
I know what your saying about need or wanting a man.....I wasnt insinuating you needed or wanted one. The day you need or have to have one is your first wrong step...imo anyway...
Learned a long time ago, if your not happy with other person is going to change that. I think you understand that concept from what I have read.
I wish I dreamt more or remembered them.....I just dont very much anymore.....probably bc I didnt get REM sleep for about a decade....
For a very long time... I've been dreaming of a world like in a movie I once saw as a teen.. Hehe....
Basically, in the year blah blah, a virus outbreak killed off every male... it didn't affect the women.... violence plumetted and peace reigned

Brilliant female scientists, managed to manipulate dna or some other such thingie, and brought back the male gender, but through "tweaking" were able to make only the most handsome & buff & healthy of specimens. All such specimens were considered too valuable (& possibly violent & scary) to the future of women-kind to be let loose, so once grown they were confined to a special facility. Until a woman "needed" him for a day. She could look at photos and bios and pick out her specimen. During the day, of course he could perform necessary tasks for her at her discretion, but in the end he had to go back to the facility. Women presidents, lawyers, ect ect, all kept it this way until the plot of the movie kicked in, which I thought ruined the whole thing... Hmmpf!
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Oh, I didn't take offense and I'm no feminist, that's for sure. I have no problem wanting a man. I am just truly mixed on the whole man thing. On one hand, this is the first time I've EVER been single. So it's kind of nice being on my own, doing things my way for once, I'm actually enjoying the solitude for the most part and putting myself first for once. On the other hand, sometimes I miss being in a relationship. I'm not the dating around type, so it's tough. Sometimes I'd like to have a man in my life, to share things with, to share my little dream here in the woods. I know it will happen when the time is right. It's just weird, I've never been single. Never even lived alone until this last year, I always had a husband, boyfriend, or in my younger years roommates.

You're probably right about the nice dressed/nice car thing being in contrast to what's local!

I always have very vivid dreams. Every night. And I can usually recall them too, and I don't know how, because I'm a night owl and get awful sleep. Even when I'm dreaming I'm semi conscious of it, it's kind of weird.
I know all too well what you speak of about being alone and the flip side of that wanting someone to share things with. I was in a LTR for 8 plus years when it fell apart. I was single and alone for 4 years after that until I met my wife and got married. I enjoyed being single and I too didnt like the dating scene either.....always found too many searching for something in their life to fix them or make them whole. Didnt want to be someones bandaid so to speak....haha....
I slept for 10 hours last night...didnt dream one bit but was rested. Dont usually sleep that much but had had two very long days previously.
The feeling of being single is a good thing in alot of respects of the lack of responsibility for anyone else, you are free to choose your own path. I am at the other end of the spectrum of that having a wife, child, mortgage etc. Guess its like they say, life is what you make out of it at that current moment....there are always good and bad with anything.
This awful early in the day for me to be so philosophical...haha

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