Tylan 50 dosing instructions



8 Years
May 3, 2011
Dallas, TX
So I was reading the dosing instructions for tylan 50 for CDR. It said the give 1/2cc subcutaneously and 1/2cc in the breast. Why do you have to give it both muscularly and under the skin?

Just curious!
The shot doesn't bother me. I was just wondering why I see recommendations for 1/2 cc in the muscle AND 1/2 cc under the skin.
Even if it isn't the water soluble kind? Still give 1/2 cc of Tylan 50?

Yes. You can give the tylan 50 injectable orally, 1/2cc once a day for 5 days. Five days because it isnt easily absorbed as it is when injected. 1/4cc for small birds.
Would I be able to use this on a chicken who seems to be coughing, is wheezing, and somewhat lethargic? She's eating and drinking, but no bulging eye or goop. She's one of 4 new hens about 6 months old.
if my pullet is very thin, should I just do oral? I've never done shots and oral might be easier but I want it to work. If injecting is faster, maybe I should go that route?

My pullet is only 1# or less - is 1/4cc still good?
thank you so much for the help....I asked my vet and he was clueless
What do I do if I've given tylan 50 orally fit 5 days and chick is still sick.....I believe they have Corynz. And should I give to non sick looking birds of they were exposed?

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