Tylan powder and Corid Liquid


6 Years
Jun 29, 2018
Extremely long story short but we are dealing with some sort of respiratory illness that was diagnosed by my vet.

Still waiting on official lab results that were done this past Sunday but he thinks it’s mycoplasma.

Was given Tylan powder which we have been giving for five days in the water.

Now some of the chickens are also showing signs of Coccidiosis.

I have a corid liquid and I’m started giving that in a separate water. I was wondering if it was OK to mix the Tylan powder and corid liquid together in the same waterers.

Please understand I am trying my best understand I am trying my best here. We have lost two beloved chickens this week due to whatever this is combination is...

The vet is not back in until Sunday.

Is mixing Tylan powder and Corid liquid in the waterers ok? We are kind of in a emergency situation over here. I can’t lose any more of my babies.
I Don't think I would mix both of them into the water together.

I think I would treat them with the Corid first and then treat them with then antibiotics.

May I ask... what did the vet say about mixing these two together?
Thank you. They have been on the antibiotics for five days now and I haven’t seen much improvement at all, which is why I think something else is going on.

The vet, who hasn’t even called me after hearing that my first chicken died let alone two, is not in again until Sunday. There is no professional available for me to discuss this with, and my chickens are dropping quickly so I’m kind of in desperation mode.

I’m incredibly disappointed with the way that this vet is handling this. I think some people don’t understand that chickens can be part of the family too.
I Don't think I would mix both of them into the water together.

I think I would treat them with the Corid first and then treat them with then antibiotics.

May I ask... what did the vet say about mixing these two together?
I would start the Corid asap if there is even the slightest possibility you are dealing with coccidiosis.

What are their symptoms?
It’s very strange. It starts out like a classical respiratory infection.

Coughing, gurgling, raspy sounding breathing, sniffling, sneezing. That seems to only last for a day or so and then they seem to get better.

Except the 2 that didn’t get better go on become completely listless and just lay there with their eyes closed gasping for air almost like gape warm? And then they pass away.

I should also note that symptoms showed up two days after a rogue chicken from our neighbors appeared in our fenced in yard which I quickly got out without touching.

I would start the Corid asap if there is even the slightest possibility you are dealing with coccidiosis.

What are their symptoms?
Thank you! That’s exactly what I’ve been doing for the very sick ones. I’ve been filling up a syringe of each medication separately and giving it to them to drink, which they do so without much Fight. I try to give them a syringe of one or the other medication (rotating) every hour.

Sick birds don't usually drink enough medicated water. Would you like to try giving both medications orally?
It’s very strange. It starts out like a classical respiratory infection.

Coughing, gurgling, raspy sounding breathing, sniffling, sneezing. That seems to only last for a day or so and then they seem to get better.

Except the 2 that didn’t get better go on become completely listless and just lay there with their eyes closed gasping for air almost like gape warm? And then they pass away.

I should also note that symptoms showed up two days after a rogue chicken from our neighbors appeared in our fenced in yard which I quickly got out without touching.
Poor things...I hope they pull through.
This doesn't sound like coccidiosis.

What does their poop look like?
Can you give a little background on the ages and the symptoms you are seeing? Do you have Corid liquid or powder? I would complete the Tylan today and give each chicken 0.1 ml per pound of undiluted Corid today, then mix the Corid in the water tomorrow. Or just continue the Corid water today if you have already started it. For any weak chickens give the undiluted Corid twice a day for a couple of days in addition to the medicated water. I do not mix any medications together, and if you have 2 separate medications in water, the chickens are not going to get the right dosage of either.
Usually, you can take or ship overnight, the body of a chicken who has died to get a necropsy performed by your state poultry vet. But since today is Friday, you would need to wait until Monday. A body should be refrigerated, not frozen, and wrapped in 2 plastic bags. Contact your state vet about getting a necropsy if you are interested here:

So sorry for your loss. I hope that you can figure out what is wrong. You can also do a brief necropsy yourself to look at the intestines for signs of coccidiosis. Here is an article of what to look for:

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