Tylosin dosing


May 4, 2020
Hey there!!! What would be the amount of tylosin 100mg powder I should use in my chickens water to treat a respiratory infection?
Make sure they're drinking it. When my girls first got symptoms from a respiratory infection they stopped.eating and drinking. I had to give them some water through a syring and put wet mash in the back of their beaks for a few days. (I gave tylan orally though so I was sure they were getting the correct dosage each) Was super fun doing that for 10 chickens for 3 days. A blast.
What are their symptoms that’s making you think it’s a respiratory infection? A lot of people give antibiotics to their birds just because they sneeze a couple times, when really, it’s not always disease related. There are many respiratory diseases that aren’t bacteria as well, so by describing what their symptoms are can help.

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