U.S. Air Force?

Active duty since 1991...C-130 Crew Chief. Stationed at Davis-Montham AZ, Mildenhal UK, Currently at Moody AFB GA.

I am currently serving as a Field Training Detachment Instructor teaching aircraft mechanics.

Good to know there are others around who served and currently serve.
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FIL flew B-52's. DH and family were stationed in Abilene for awhile. DH went to Cooper High school I believe. Probably in the late 70's, early 80's. They were also stationed in Germany in the early 70's. Ramstein maybe? I think they were also in Tennessee somewhere? DH was born in Albany Ga in 63 so thats where they were then. FIL retired from the Air Force in the 80's I believe.
I tried going AF, but didn't succeed. A fact that I've often regretted. A friend of mine who I met through a Corgi listserv is married to a guy in the AF.

I agree 100%! When I was in, I was paying income taxes that amounted to nearly half my pay (outside income caused the taxes). If I pay taxes to provide the gov't with funds to pay the military, then military pay should be adjusted so that they don't take taxes back out -- too much bookkeeping to take it in from the citizens, give it out to the military, take it back in from the military, give it back out to the military........ sheesh
MSgt retired after 22 years as an Air Traffic Controller. Stationed in TX, CA, FL, MI, NY, AK, Germany and NAM (Schools in MS, MO, NJ). Wouldnt have missed the experience for the world!!!
My father was Army. My grandfather and his generation family members were Navy. My uncles Marines. My great grandfather was Army. My 2 and 3 great grand fathers were Confederate. And on and on back through the Revolution.

My father-in-law is a retired AF Lt. Col.
AD since Dec 1999. Married DH (Navy Corpsman) Nov 2000; hie was stationed in Seattle, I was stationed in OK City.
Both of us PCSd to Okinawa--Kadena AB/Camp Hansen, 2003. He retired there.
Now I'm stationed at Robins AFB, GA.
I'm an Airborne Surveillance Radar maintainer.
My dad was in the Air Force for 15 years. He was in power production. I went to kindergarten in Japan. By the time I finished 6th grade, I had been to 9 different schools.

My son-in-law served two tours of duty as a Marine in Iraq. His first tour started at the beginning of the war.
Retired AF wife here. DH went in the AF in 1980. Stationed in OK,Tinker AFB. Aircraft Maintenance on AWACS. In my opinion, the most beautifull plane that the AF has. A few years into it, DH was Crewchiefing. We were moved to AK in 92, was there untill 98, then back to Tinker where he retired. We didnt move alot, and I am thankfull of that. Glad to see many others on here...its a tight circle for sure.
Air force wife here. Hubby is a TSGT about to test for master for the second time and I hope he gets it this time. He is an optotemetry tech.He will be going to Turkey next month then we move to San Antonio when he returns. YAY We have been apart for about 4 years so I am beyond ready.

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