Ugggggggggggg! Is this coop EVER going to be finished!


10 Years
May 13, 2009
Central Maine
I have been building it for what seems like all summer every weekend. And every weekend we say this is going to be the weekend we move them in. Well it's the end of another weekend and still no go. I am getting burnt out! Sorry had to vent.
Join the club, hon -- I'd been working on mine since June something or other. Just put the roof on it yesterday morning :p The chickens were tarped for 5 weeks leading up to that point.

And I still need to take care of tie-downs for strong winds, and now we're into canning season, too. So you're in good company!
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OHHHH...I so feel your pain!!! The good news DOES eventually get finished...believe it or not. I went through exactly what you're going through now from the end of July until this past weekend. The run was especially draining for me. But there is light at the end of the tunnel!!!
You will be celebrating soon!!
My coop is in the not quite-done-but-still-being-used category as well. I have no idea what to do to it, and my hubby is working 6 days a week, and he does not feel like working on it on his day off! lol its pretty much a three sided shelter at this point, so its good for the summer time lol
**raises a hand** I'm a member!!! Got it quite done this past weekend, and I'm taking THIS weekend off! There's doors and windows and hardware cloth is nice and tight so all is snug, tomorrow I'm going to finish the trim on the door, and start to paint the whole thing.
I'm in the Club too. My coop is done (built it last summer) but it took 13 - yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 - weekends to build. Basically the entire summer. And I'm talk'n Saturday AND Sunday. I thought my DH was going to kill me. And to top it off, the chickies were living in my house under my desk in a dog crate while they were waiting for the coop to be finished. We got them in May and they finally moved into the coop in late September. I was never so glad to be done with a project....

And now next weekend we're starting construction on a playhouse coop for a girlfriend of mine. Her chickies are living in a rabbit hutch and that ain't gonna cut it in the MN winters... I swear, my DH deserves an award...

It seems like it takes f.o.r.e.v.e.r. but when it's finally done it's worth all the effort. Really.

Good luck!
Welcome to the club. CH has been working on our coop since mid_May. He built a small temporary coop which only took him four hours, and good thing, because the big coop still isn't finished.

Try looking at it this way, quality takes time

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