Ugggggggggggg! Is this coop EVER going to be finished!

Well I now dont feel so bad/
I have 4 coops and they
need a little more here alittle more there.
My Dh also hurt his back but it may be permenent.
so Ido what I can when Ican. But they will be warm and cozy,
I was just about to post up asking how long it took to build a coop when I ran across this thread. We're going on 5 weeks now - and the end is not yet in sight. I'm so frustrated because every weekend was the weekend when it was going to be done. I know it will be a wonderful coop once it's done but I need it done now!! LOL The most frustrating thing is that I'm not allowed to work on it. SO is the master at building of big things in the house - I just do modifications and build little things (tilework, building pull-out drawers for the kitchen, etc) - the actual building of "buildings" is SO's self-proclaimed "job" and he won't let me help. I think it would go so much faster if I could just help but he just tells me to stay out of the way. What is with that? Is that a macho thing?

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hmmmm.... not sure about the macho thing!! I was out there with my hubby every step of the way during the whole process...

Hope he gets it finished for you soon though!!! Good Luck!!

I got an old building from my father in law way back in June. We moved the building to my house and then started. It was full of rat poop and I had to tear out the ceiling and all the walls and start from just a frame. It took me forever to get DH to work on it and then it was only sporadically. Finally I finished the inside myself so I could get the chickens in. The outside siding and the run, however, are his part and may take another year to get done...<laughing...or crying>. I probably will end up doing it myself just to be finished some day.
I'm not allowed to help either. My hubby started my little coop the weekend I had surgery... hoping it would be a surprise for me. That was back in early July... my babies are still living in rabbit cages in my BRAND NEW SUNROOM... my sunroom is used by the dogs, the chickens, and the children... I don't even get to enjoy it.

The coop itself is forever gonna be done THIS weekend... every weekend... and I can't even begin to imagine the run getting started. By the time I show my silkies the door, they will be house spoiled and hate the coop. They love their cage, they get to run the backyard when we are home, and they knock on the sliding door to be let back in at night. I tell you what, if those babies don't take to the coop and stay in my sunroom, the hubby is gonna be out there cause something is going to live in that coop!

Now don't get me wrong, I love having my babies close, and I love just going a few feet, get them, and bring them to watch TV with me... but the coop is so cute... I can't wait to see something, anything, living in it.


It makes me feel better that at the very least I'm not alone in this! I can soooo relate to you all and it makes me feel better. I know SO must be complaining to his friends that I "force" him to work on the coop when he could be kicking back watching tv. I really am grateful that he's making it for me...just wish it'd go faster, or I could help!! LOL He also has to make sure that everything is so darn perfect. If it were me, I would just slap some wood together - make sure it wouldn't fall over, then shoo all the birds in! LOL He's making a friggen dollhouse out there, everything all having to measure right and be plumb and look nice and professional. I'm sure part of it is that he saw all the really NICE coops posted on here and he knows I'm going to post picts of it on here once it's done - so he has to make sure it looks good enough to show off. BYC has set the standards too high!!
::Sigh:: Like I said - I'm sure I'm going to LOVE it once it's done...I'm just tired of the chickens in the house and would love to be able to let them run around in their real home.

I need things to occupy my mind so that the time goes by faster! Wish I could fast forward to the coop being done!!
It took me about 6 months of weekends and after work to do my 10x29 coop.
I did board and batten and post and beam for the outside run. It is insulated,hand glazed windows,insulated doors,6 lights,2 wall plugs,running water,blah blah,ect.
Everything got blown way out of proportion..including the budget.
So now it's done..predetor proff and maintainence free and I love it.
Take your time, do it right and your'll reep the benefits for a long time.
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Been there..............still there. Started in march with just an idea but that dosen't seem to hold many chicks. I'll send pics later.

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