Uggh!I hate all this snow!


10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
Well,after having a pretty nice day yesterday I woke up this morning thinking of plans of building a quail tractor then right when I put on my glasses all I see threw my window is blasted snow swirling around everywere!Im so sick off the stuff!I am so desperate to see green stuff I put on my growing light in the basement and am starting some herbs extra early.I wish all this stuff went into canada were they actually NEED the stuff for the olympics.
Send some to me. I'm in northeast MI and we've got practically nothing!
Hang on Pringle
It's almost over Sping is not too far off.

I know its sooooooooo close yet soooooooooo far away!I feel like taking a flame thrower and melting all this stuff,getting a giant heat lamp hang it in my big oak tree and have it set for 75degrees
I'm in NE South Dakota and I HATE snow, here every time the wind blows the 6 plus feet of snow we have on the ground blows and blocks everything. I can't wait until spring.
I dont usually mind snow but all this winter I have been ready for spring.
So I just look at the seed catalogs and plan.
I've only lived here in WV for 5 years and people are saying this is the worst winter here since "The Blizzard of '93"
I have been trying to get my coop built for the past 2 weeks but everyday I wake up and say, ok it will be built today, it's snowing again!!
We have (now) about a foot on the ground. Most of it melted the past couple days but I couldn't get out and work on my coop cause now I'm sick....if it's not one thing it's another.
I guess I will get it built come April....course, my dad (a native WVian) said "I've seen it snow 2 feet in April after the corn is planted".
Yeah, like I needed to hear that!!!


edited to add a quote from one of my DS's friends: "flamethrower....the redneck snow shovel"

Yeah......I wanted to smack him!
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