Ugh, when it rains, it pours! Warning, RANT!

Thanks everybody, my husband and I had a long talk last night, and he is still completely on board for a baby, it's funny, he pretty much quoted you guys, saying that if we wait until the perfect time, then we will never be parents, and that yes, things got hard, but we did handle it, and everything is now under control, so if this was a test, I guess we passed.

As for the Debt, I do know it's mine, I just had completley forgotten about it, and since I wasn't getting the letters, I had no way of remembering it. What happened was, When my hubby and I moved to Chico, I had no job and it took me about 4 months to find one, so needless to say, money got really tight. So I had to pull out the emergency credit card to buy groceries, but lucky me I buy like $200 in groceries, everything is rung up, I go to slide my card and they say sorry debit only..... I didn't know what to do, everything was bagged in my cart, so I pulled out the checkbook, and hoped that when the bounced check letter came, I would have the money to pay, and when the bounced check letter never came, I soon forgot. So it's all my own fault, and my debt to pay.

But I truly want to thank you all, I just hope things turn around soon, I know stress makes it very hard to conceive, especially for me because I have an anxiety disorder that makes me stress so mcuh that I skip periods (I went 14 months without one when I was in highschool). So I just gotta relax, focus on my wonderful hubby, dog, and cockatiel.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
That sucks. The best thing my DH and I ever did was to set up an emergency fund so that when stuff like that comes up we have the money to pay it. It makes situations like much less stressful.
Just asking.. How many years does it have to be before the creditors cant go after you for money.. I was married previously.. And before the divorce was final.. He bought some thing for $1,200 and they have been after me for it.. I was just wondering when I should start to fight it and tell them to put it where the sun dont shine..
Just asking.. How many years does it have to be before the creditors cant go after you for money.. I was married previously.. And before the divorce was final.. He bought some thing for $1,200 and they have been after me for it.. I was just wondering when I should start to fight it and tell them to put it where the sun dont shine..

Depends on the state ~~ here is a link with a list of states.
Yes, we really should set something up, but it's going to have to wait until we have money to do it, LOL.

And on another personal note....
I just went online to pay the bad debt, and they are charging me a $10.40 Convenience fee, what the heck, they are charging me because it is convenient for me to pay online, that makes it not convenient for me! I guess I'm going to have to go get a money prder to send them, that only cost $2.00
Cassie, you are so right. If we waited to have babies when the time was perfect, there would be no sweet babies . . .let Mother Nature take the lead, she knows best anyway, and if its time for you to have a baby, no matter what you do to prevent it, you will have that baby!!! You have had three things happen, actually four, so you should be done with bad things for awhile!!! Good luck, and keep us posted!!
Cassie, you are so right. If we waited to have babies when the time was perfect, there would be no sweet babies . . .let Mother Nature take the lead, she knows best anyway, and if its time for you to have a baby, no matter what you do to prevent it, you will have that baby!!! You have had three things happen, actually four, so you should be done with bad things for awhile!!! Good luck, and keep us posted!!

Thank you so much for the words of encouragement.
I will keep you all posted, trust me. When we conceive, you all will probably know before hubby does, LOL.
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I would say forget about "having a baby" forget about "BC" Then it is all up to good ol mother nature and at the "Right time" (know it or not) you will be a mom, then a grandma and all tooooooo fast!!!! Good luck.
That's what all our friends who have kids keep saying. A lot of them tried for months and months, then stopped trying got busy with other things, and bam they were preggo!

The only problem is that both hubby and I get to the point where we want a baby soo bad, we end up getting a pet to try to fill the void. So far we have gotten

1) Rats, but found out I was allergic and had to rehome them,
2) 2 Parakeets, but they flew out the door one day, when I didn't realize the cage was still open, I felt horrible for months!
3) Saltwater Aquarium, but had to sell it when we moved.
4) Dog, Rohan, he is our 80 pund Baby Boy.
5) Cockatiel, JOJO, my baby, her goes everywhere with me.
6) Many Chicks, I hatch for my In-Laws Ranch, I love hatching so much, and luckly this way I get my baby fix, and my In-Laws are happy to have More chickens!

Thanks again to all of you for the support, so far this week is better, just dealing with the stress of paying back my parents, they are in no hurry, and have not mentioned 1 word as to wanting the money back in is specific time, I just hate having Debts, and stress until I pay them off.

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