
My weakness is good beer and bbq.....and good wine and cheese, good bread too....

Since becoming Mr.Dad and being forced to slow down a bit physically it's catching/caught up to me.....the diet starts Monday
We all have done things like that from time to time.. We still laugh about the story my sister told on herself! She was 8 months pg. and had been to the dr...got a good report so she thought she would bake a cake for dinner to celebrate! It was mid afternoon and the kids were asleep--she made the cake, cooled it, iced it and then she cut her a slice, and then another and then another--she ate so much of it, she was ashamed of being such a pig... Not wanted to let her husband know, she ate the rest of of the cake, washed the pans and plate and went to take a nap!!!
Hope the ice cream was good...Dixie
Think that is bad...? My children had a five gallon bucket full of mini chocolate bars form Easter at the Zoo, and thanks to me, they can't keep asking me for candy. Hey, it said on the back a serving size was six bars. I thought...hmmm... two servings now, two at lunch and two at dinner- almost everyday since Easter! Better my teeth than theirs, They have to live with theirs longer than I do!
Oh man... I bought Ben & Jerry's Creme Brule ice cream last week..... it's SOOO sweet, but it still did not stop me from eating it in one sitting!

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