Ugly Babies?

I have three beautiful white leghorn chicks also! They too are in the awkward stage right now, but you can see their true beauty starting to shine through. I never thought they were ugly, but they did definitely look a bit... mussed. Haha, I hate it when their pink chicken skin shows through their fuzz!
I don't think they're ugly at all. They're cute.
They are really cute in the face, especially when they look up at me. I guess it's because I can see their pink skin and they're just half and half on the feather/fuzz ratio. I'm just glad that nobody has said that they look abnormal or sick. That was my biggest concern.....
Of course I knew! LOL! It is what it is!! They're at that ugly stage that even human's go through! Hahahaha! It's all good!
I think they are adorable - and I think it's interesting to see the contrast as their feathers come in. Fascinating!

(my chicks arrive next week - 6 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Black Australorps and 1 Barred Rock - I have no idea what I'm doing and am nervous as all get out, but excited too)
Uh... you are in for a HUGE disappointment... that pic are meat birds. Those are Cornish X meat birds. They are to be eaten at about 8 weeks old... those are 100% NOT leghorns. Sorry.

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