Uh oh... found an egg today! ... - A journal of sorts, from finding eggs to hatching them... Update

There's a Coral Blue, maybe a Lite Blue... (or possibly a Pied Coral Blue, it's stripes are a lighter color over all tho), a Royal Purple, and the rest are an assortment of Pied Browns or Pied Cinnamons. They aren't quite dried and fluffed all the way yet, so it's a little hard to judge their colors still. I forgot how cute these lil guys are...
Oh my goodness - I just adore keets!!!!!! Although I really don't want anymore guineas, I really hope that mine hatch another brood out this year, I keep looking under the deck to see if anyone is laying there again yet - but so far no - I have a sneaky feeling that they will start laying soon with the longer daylight, I bet no-one chooses under the deck again though:( Oh boy the day they finally hatched out was just magical!

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