Uh oh... found an egg today! ... - A journal of sorts, from finding eggs to hatching them... Update

Wow that's a close call there PeepsCA. Your right you think you can see them and then you don't!
Sorry I'm no help! But what I do know is that they are extra cute!
I mentioned I thought there was a Blonde and a Buff in that last hatch somewhere in the bucket...
So here they are close up, but I dunno if that's what they are or not now that I am gettin' a good look at them. The darker keet is a little too light to be a Blonde (I think), but it's really dark for a Buff (my normal Buffs anyway)... and the lighter keet is really light for a Buff

I'm going blurry/cross eyed trying to see if there's really broken/squiggley stripes on it's head or not... my brain wants to see them, so part of the time I think I can kinda see them, lol. But then it kind of looks a lot like Country Chicken's Ivory keet she posted earlier in this thread too, (but my keet's lighter). Do you guys see any faint broken/squiggley lines on it's head???

Sheesh, I thought I was doing pretty good being able to ID all 782 of my keets that I hatched last season, this season's workin' me hard with new to me colors and I'm not even 200 keets into the season so far!!!
Yep, that helps... good idea, Thanks! Just happens to be a super light Buff.
Now, run it thru your filters again... is it a Hen, or a male ???
Yeah, I was seeing patterns bofore the filter, but that really brings it out. Cute chick! And if you figure out the male/female thing, that would be awesome!

Those feathering-in chocolates were beautiful, too! Such sweet little birds--I can almost hear their fun little sounds. Your pics are definitely helping me try and hold firm in the face of selling our newly hatched keets. We swapped two older laying hens for a pair of pearl grey guineas a lady didn't want anymore, which have settled nicely into the flock--yay! But that skews our ratio even further toward pearl and pied pearl chicks, so I really shouldn't keep any keets that aren't of the other colors.

Must keep repeating that--and enjoying your pics!
The eggs I got are pearl and pied pearl and maybe lavender. So I will be looking for some of the Buff/Brown/chocolate eggs too, but I needed to get some started and I got a good deal on these at the perfect time. When I have broodys to raise them, and hopefully teach them to come in at night. The colors can wait, I have ya'll pics to hold me over.
Thanks Duckie
Sorry to read you had to get rid of your Guineas. I've been trying to figure out how to breed mute/silent Guineas, but I haven't been successful yet.

<rant> I have some extremely mouthy young males this year (3 from last season's hatch) that are real close to getting dressed up really pretty for dinner (as in stuffed and baked). They yell (an overly exaggerated extra high pitched non-stop CHI-CHI-CHI squawk) all day long at anything and everything (and at nothing), and after the sun goes down they still squawk constantly for several hours at the top of their lungs (they don't even stop to take a breath!). The night before last they got squirted with hose mid-squawk (that worked for 3 minutes), and last night all 3 got snatched off their perches in the dark and stuffed in a dog crate... and then they spent the night in the garage (with 2 cats staring at them all night, LOLOLOL). I couldn't take it any more, I was about to throttle them. Their open coop faces the direction of my bedroom window and the squawks bust right thru double pane glass like it's not even there (way to go Peeps, great planning there, NOT).
We'll see how it goes tonight, but I know I am not listening to that crap for another 3 hours ever again
They are lucky I need their genes in the pool this season, or they'd be butchered or sold!!!
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LOL! They frustrate me to no end this year. I've had Guineas for years, but this year has got to be the worst year ever for butthead noisy males, EVER. And they get every flock yelling sometimes. Luckily my older flocks will hush for me if I go talk to them or interrupt them with the treat call (I know, dirty trick cuz they don't get any treats when I do that... but hey it works, lol).

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