Uh oh... found an egg today! ... - A journal of sorts, from finding eggs to hatching them... Update

I'm really enjoying watching these assorted Chocolates and Blonde keets feather out... so cute. Nice little varied group of 6 to compare to each other. I sure I hope I like them this much once they are adults,lol.Time for wing bands before I lose track of who's who.

Last week:

This week:
Ohhh! Pretty!
I candled my eggs Last night at day 14 and It looks like I have 6 Quitters and 6 viable chicks. I've placed ? marks on the Quitters to check on them one more time and numbered the ones with viability to watch their growth. Larger air sacks for sure and one embryo is larger than the others, is this normal? Does anyone seem to have the spot inside roll? when you turn the egg?? I haven't looked at the all that long to be able to see movement but hope to in the next day or two. My thermometer went bonkers and shot off the charts after reading 99,9 for days now but quickly checked with a room one and the tmp was fine. I don't like using this homemade contraption thing and if I do this again, which I will, I'm getting a real incubator. This too much work having to constantly monitor the temp and humidity and make adjustments.

I will be surprised if any make it to hatch out, but I'm trying!!!! Got bit by tick today, it is so red and inflamed! It was one of those tiny ones and was half buried into my arm! Gross! I don't have a good track record with tick bites. I've had two bouts already with Lyme disease and it is AWFUL!!!!! That is why I have the guineas and I've always wanted some since I was first held hostage in a car by a group on a neighbor farm years ago!!!
I start back on a maintenance dosage in the morning just to make sure we get it early, if it is. It was not a dog tick but the deer tick and the babies have the worst bite! They are the size of the end of a pencil tip! The mark it left looks like I got a cigarette put out on my arm. I don't want to EVEN think of getting it again!

Well I guess we will know about both the chicks and the tick bite in a few days. By the way it was NOT on my property where I picked up the tick! Thank goodness!

Uh oh, what did the temp spike to? Even a little above 103 for just a shirt time is usually a bad thing, and can kill the developing embryos.

My embryos move around when I candle too, so that's normal, it's kind of like they want to move away from the light, like it ticks them off, lol. Developing at different rates is normal too, but it might be a good idea for you to rotate the eggs around in the incubator every time you turn them, in case your incubator has warm and cool spots (if you haven't been already)... I do that as often as I can in my incubators just to try to let every egg receive more even heating thru the incubation period, and grow more at the same rate.

Sorry to read about your tick bite, I hate those nasty blood sucking disease spreading creatures. I've never had lymes disease, but I hear it's not fun.
PeepsCA - Can you post some pictures of some Chocolate, Royal Purple, Coral blue, and different colored keets. I hatched out 55 keets over the last two days and I'm not quite sure on the color. I will try to get some pics up on here. Thanks so much!

~ Aspen
There are several of my Chocolate keet pics already posted in this thread, but I think it would be easier if you just posted pics of what you've hatched and need identification on, and then I can just label the keet colors on your pics...
Peeps! How ya been? Keets are lookin good! I've been talking to the person I sold the guineas to and I'm deciding whether to buy some back or not.. Decisions Decisions!

Oh and Looky what I got from a BYC member last night!

Sebastopol Geese! I got a Smooth Breasted Buff gander, Smooth feathered buff gander, Smooth feathered buff goose (has angel wing), and a Grey Smooth breasted goose.
Duckie!!!! Hiya!! Long time no see!!

The geese are COOL! Now I want some of those too, lol. I member your story about mean geese, hope those are sweet ones, lol.
Yay! I finally have a question worthy of the guinea oracle! lol What do you make of this keet, Peeps? Coral Blue or Light Blue? Those are my guesses.

It's a sweet little thing, and definitely a keeper. I only wish I knew who it's parents were, I'd set them up! lol
It's head markings are a little evasive, lots of tan and just narrow tiny stripes lol... but I'd say Coral Blue if it's body colors are more to the silver/blue end of the spectrum, but if the body colors have an tannish hue to the blue/sliver then I'd say Lite Blue.

Congrats, cute keet!

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