Uh oh... found an egg today! ... - A journal of sorts, from finding eggs to hatching them... Update


Congrats Duckie, and oooh Pied Chocolate!!!
I actually hatched one of those this season from my newest flock, I about fell over!

Looky looky at what hatched yesterday! Bobwhite quail chicks! They are noisy as h*ll though!
They have finally shut their big traps!

Peeps: I refuse to admit I have a problem..
I hope I get a couple chocolates and chocolate pieds out of the eggs!
I've gotten such a kick out the last ten or so posts on this forum. The "butt-sweet" thing is too much, and daylily, I've had dreams about my guinea eggs, too. I can't remember it exactly (it was definitely an anxiety dream), but I woke up one morning thinking that maybe this guinea thing was getting out of hand. And the "Chicken Math" I had to break down and tell my coop-building husband about. It was just too good not to share. Yep. Chicken Math. It's a fact!!!!

Just the other day he said, "Hey, honey, we can build the new guinea coop a little smaller......" and I said, "Well, yes, honey, we sure could, you're right, but doesn't it make sense that while we're already at it, we should go ahead and double the size? It might be a bit more expensive in materials, but the extra work you'd have to put into a new coop later would MORE than make up for it." I'll be darned but if he didn't agree.

Ha. Chicken Math indeed!! Chicken logic, Guinea logic, "fowl-a-holic" logic for sure.

Today, I was driving home from beautiful south Georgia, and saw along the way hundreds of barns, farms, sheds, coops, and I was extremely jealous of each and every one. Why? Because I envied them all their out-buildings that could be used for housing guineas. There were many falling-down structures along the highway, and I wondered why in the world people didn't tear those down and re-use the materials for guinea coops!

I think I need to "see somebody". Anyone else ever feel that way, or is it just me?

Looky looky at what hatched yesterday! Bobwhite quail chicks! They are noisy as h*ll though!
They have finally shut their big traps!

Peeps: I refuse to admit I have a problem..
I hope I get a couple chocolates and chocolate pieds out of the eggs!

Cute!!! Noisy huh...? Hmmm... I have some Coturnix eggs in the 'bator that are due on the 1st, wonder if they will be noisy?

Oh sorry Duckie, I forgot... it's only a problem IF YOU ADMIT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, lol... and 'til then you aren't officially addicted to hatching!
Today, I was driving home from beautiful south Georgia, and saw along the way hundreds of barns, farms, sheds, coops, and I was extremely jealous of each and every one. Why? Because I envied them all their out-buildings that could be used for housing guineas. There were many falling-down structures along the highway, and I wondered why in the world people didn't tear those down and re-use the materials for guinea coops!

I think I need to "see somebody". Anyone else ever feel that way, or is it just me?
Whenever I feel myself getting out of control/losing my grip, I just go "see" the checkbook balance, or the feed store bill. Both are very effective at putting my head back on straight... for a week or so at least. I highly suggest regular sessions tho, on a set schedule, lol.

And I am right there with ya on being envious of all the barns and outbuildings that could be transformed into such KILLER Guinea coops... sigh.
Does the color lavender guinea breed true? I have two chicks that are suppose to be lavender and they are VERY light in color unlike the other lavender chicks I have.
Your lighter Lavenders might be Lite Lavenders. The little silver/blue keet on the right in my bucket pic is a Lite Lavender, and I didn't hatch any regular Lavenders in this hatch, but there's a heavily Pied Lavender up top on the left against the side of the bucket to look at for color comparison. Compare the difference in their head colors (the center).

Unless the Lavenders came from someone that separates their breeding flocks by color, they probably won't breed true... so many Guineas have hidden genes swimming around in their genetic make up/background that many colors can show up in their hatches.

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