Uh oh... found an egg today! ... - A journal of sorts, from finding eggs to hatching them... Update

OMG! I found the nest!!!!!!

7 beautiful little brown speckled Guinea eggs!!!!!!! I can start a new hatch!

Oh thank you Deb you brought me luck! The oldest egg has to be less than 9 days old! Hurray!

Can you guys tell I am overjoyed!!!!!!
Got to get a incubator today, get it set up and running, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Oh and I left 2 eggs in the nest to keep her laying! She was in the neighbors flowerbed again but closer to the woods this time! Would never have found it but she was keeping a little boy for a friend and he followed her over and scared her off the nest, she was hissing and screaming at him so I knew we hit the jackpot! Right under a huge Hosta plant. She was invisible and so were the eggs! She didn't lay in the coop yesterday unless she buried it, which has happened before so I will check later. But I have 6 now counting the one I got three days ago!
I am doing a Happy dance now!

Woo Hoo Daylily I need to put a bottom in my coop because what ever is getting my eggs must be coming up from underneath.

Deb, you just
might have badgers getting into your coop at night. They will start a hole about twenty or thirty feet away and tunnel in. They have a sort of flat looking hole so it often goes unnoticed under the hay or near nesting boxes. Same with the snakes! Yeah a good strong wire floor will definitely help cut those guys out of the loop.

For info about Lyme disease symptoms check out Wikipedia. NOT the CDC. Congress has ordered them to revise their content and reportings but have not to this date complied. Wiki has an in-depth view that is pretty heady but is spot on. Especially about the confections that can often go along with this. What Prairie mentioned is a confection that started in Wisconsin and Minn. and is moving down the plains states. It is a bacterial infection they all are but need treatment right away to prevent it from dividing inside the cell walls and masking itself as another disease. We should see about starting a Lyme section as it affects animals as well as humans.

Update, I now have all the necessary items to start the incubator and will get on that after dinner! I just might have Keets by My Birthday, July 7. Hubby is very proud that I am going this route and helped me shop for the necessary items. Good man! Now to start my happy dance all over again!
Gosh I dont know if we have badgers in Southern California.... Have to go look it up.

WRT lime I went to several sites. And am thinking my knee problems may be associated along with my lack of stamina. I just chocked it up to being overweight. But the converse could be true.... I may be overweight because of lyme sapping my energy. Going to look atthe Wikipedia site Thanks.

Deb, you just
might have badgers getting into your coop at night. They will start a hole about twenty or thirty feet away and tunnel in. They have a sort of flat looking hole so it often goes unnoticed under the hay or near nesting boxes. Same with the snakes! Yeah a good strong wire floor will definitely help cut those guys out of the loop.

For info about Lyme disease symptoms check out Wikipedia. NOT the CDC. Congress has ordered them to revise their content and reportings but have not to this date complied. Wiki has an in-depth view that is pretty heady but is spot on. Especially about the confections that can often go along with this. What Prairie mentioned is a confection that started in Wisconsin and Minn. and is moving down the plains states. It is a bacterial infection they all are but need treatment right away to prevent it from dividing inside the cell walls and masking itself as another disease. We should see about starting a Lyme section as it affects animals as well as humans.

Update, I now have all the necessary items to start the incubator and will get on that after dinner! I just might have Keets by My Birthday, July 7. Hubby is very proud that I am going this route and helped me shop for the necessary items. Good man! Now to start my happy dance all over again!
Could very well be! If you are experiencing fatigue and aching joints, headaches and low grade fevers you just might. I had some in my right hand and it looks and acted just like rheumatoid arthritis and they are so crooked now! I showed up negative for rheumatoid arthritis. But the fatigue is awful!

If you live in the desert you have badgers! I betcha! Let me know.
Well, I started hatching keets because we had such a non-exist ant winter and I knew we were going to have a bunch of ticks. We have had a "Tick Bloom" of those microscopic little baby ticks. You really can't even see them individually till you get them up close to your eyes, except when they are in a mass , it's gross They get on your pant legs en-mass and then onto your socks, the itching will drive you crazy. Then one Etty bitty will make it's way up your leg and bit you on the butt! it leaves quite a welt! We have tried Frontline, Advantage and Adams sprays on the dogs and have finally given in to just keeping them in except to go potty in the front where the grass has always been short and the chickens range. The back yard basically belonged to the dogs and was a little weedy. The ticks are too small to even attract the attention of the guineas yet, we may have to give in and spray the yard before someone gets sick.
Well, I started hatching keets because we had such a non-exist ant winter and I knew we were going to have a bunch of ticks. We have had a "Tick Bloom" of those microscopic little baby ticks. You really can't even see them individually till you get them up close to your eyes, except when they are in a mass , it's gross They get on your pant legs en-mass and then onto your socks, the itching will drive you crazy. Then one Etty bitty will make it's way up your leg and bit you on the butt! it leaves quite a welt! We have tried Frontline, Advantage and Adams sprays on the dogs and have finally given in to just keeping them in except to go potty in the front where the grass has always been short and the chickens range. The back yard basically belonged to the dogs and was a little weedy. The ticks are too small to even attract the attention of the guineas yet, we may have to give in and spray the yard before someone gets sick.
My Mare Misty had those in her ears. Deep inside. She had always been itchy even when I first bought her but we never looked inside her ears. OHMYGAWD it was aweful. We treated it with baby oil on wads of cotton and gauze swiped inside. It took over a year to get them cleared out. BTW this was waay before Ivermectin. It was back in 1969.

Meds that contain Ivermectin for dogs work for ticks and mange. http://vetmedicine.about.com/od/diseasesandconditions/a/CW-IvermectinSafety.htm and It is usually the main ingredient for treating heartworms. or preventing them.

Good luck on heading off the onslaught. I wonder if there is a tick predator just like a fly predator.... Ditaomaceous earth sprinkled or dusted in the yard....?

Could very well be! If you are experiencing fatigue and aching joints, headaches and low grade fevers you just might. I had some in my right hand and it looks and acted just like rheumatoid arthritis and they are so crooked now! I showed up negative for rheumatoid arthritis. But the fatigue is awful!

If you live in the desert you have badgers! I betcha! Let me know.

I was looking up badgers for my area and they do live here but they tend to stick to areas that have sandy soil and are more open.... Their main food is gophers and voles and mice. My house is in very thick Chaparal, growing in very hard decomposed granite soil. But I will inspect the coop next time I am up.

I have some very heavy rubber stall mats that I can put down if I find a hole coming up underneath.

Well, I started hatching keets because we had such a non-exist ant winter and I knew we were going to have a bunch of ticks. We have had a "Tick Bloom" of those microscopic little baby ticks. You really can't even see them individually till you get them up close to your eyes, except when they are in a mass , it's gross They get on your pant legs en-mass and then onto your socks, the itching will drive you crazy. Then one Etty bitty will make it's way up your leg and bit you on the butt! it leaves quite a welt! We have tried Frontline, Advantage and Adams sprays on the dogs and have finally given in to just keeping them in except to go potty in the front where the grass has always been short and the chickens range. The back yard basically belonged to the dogs and was a little weedy. The ticks are too small to even attract the attention of the guineas yet, we may have to give in and spray the yard before someone gets sick.
Yes I would take care of that pretty quick! Little ticks become bigger ticks!
Deb I didn't know that about ticks!!

The symptoms that I found online is that you think you are coming down with the flu -- which is exactly what I had. I have lived on a farm for most of my life and never had problems before but I think because I was near a creek and I fell down on the creek bank -- not once but twice!!! is how I picked them up. They were so tiny that I couldn't see their legs and I got a magnifying glass to make sure what they were.
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