Uh oh... found an egg today! ... - A journal of sorts, from finding eggs to hatching them... Update

StevenW, when you're new to hatching like I am, every hour drags on and on and on. Makes me nuts. I check the calendar every day, like that will somehow help, like I might miss it. Nope. Makes it worse!

I have 15 good eggs in the 'bator. Hoping for a hatch of 10. The 28th is the hatch date. Longest 8 days EVER! 181 hours to go!!! (I don't really count hours
StevenW, when you're new to hatching like I am, every hour drags on and on and on. Makes me nuts. I check the calendar every day, like that will somehow help, like I might miss it. Nope. Makes it worse!

I have 15 good eggs in the 'bator. Hoping for a hatch of 10. The 28th is the hatch date. Longest 8 days EVER! 181 hours to go!!! (I don't really count hours

LOL I've been hatching for at least 3 years.. I've had birds for 10 years but I didn't really get into to them until 4-5 years ago.

In one week, I should be having some keets pipping or hatching by this time! :eek:)
LOL, I check my calendar CONSTANTLY too! (Plus I have a notebook I write down hatch notes in!). When's it time to candle, when's lock down, when's hatch day, how old is this batch of stored eggs, when do I need to set the next batch of eggs on the counter so they can come to room temp the night before I'm gonna set them, when will these keets be ready to sell, who's coming to get keets or eggs today, etc etc etc... it's like OCD times 10! Just wait 'til you start hatching things that have different lock down dates (like Quail and Chickens) and you have 2-4 incubators and a hatcher going' non-stop like I do... it's bonkers!

27 new keets hatched so far the past 2 days... and I went and swapped out the 11 eggs under the broody Guinea Hen. She got right on the new warm 15 eggs no problem! I put the 11 eggs in the 1588 last night, since I wasn't sure if they were a day or 2 behind incubated eggs or not. And 1 of them was already pipped this morning (day 25), so I moved them to the hatcher a little while ago. My plan is gonna work out good... orders will be filled sooner than later. Yay!

I'm setting another big batch of Guinea eggs in a little while, I think this is batch #21? Ummm... didn't I say I was stopping at batch #10 a while back??? See, watch out Leigh, it's addicting!!! Viscous cycle, the only thing that stops me is the fact that the Guineas are seasonal layers, lol. I'm in big trouble when my Quail eventually start laying... I'll have the dang incubators and hatcher set up yr round. I have no willpower, I should be ashamed
And just think Peeps, you can put like, 180,000 quail eggs in a 1588! You'll be hatching, deviling, pickling, brooding, building, sellling....and pulling your hair out if you have any left.

You're an inspiration to wanna be hatchers everywhere. No joke - really.

I already have three small groups of eggs in the 'bator, and they're coming out into the hatcher for lockdown at intervals. I have chart drawings and lists on the board at work. I stopped just short of putting up little yellow sticky notes all over the house......but only because I ran out of the blasted things.

I'm going to need more land before all of this is over with.
Quote: Hi Peeps, I haven't been getting any email notifications in days so I finally came on to check what's up. Thanks for the confidence. All eggs are dated. I have 5 embryos out of the eight and I haven't candled the other three yet. I've got the humidity up to 40% and it is holding steady there. Pavi is still laying in the same spot and is laying twice a day again! Poor thing she sounds horrible! The outside temps went up to 97 today from being in the low 70's to high60's. I made sure all had fresh cool water all day and extra grain as they didn't want to come out of the shade to eat. At first I couldn't find Pavi, but my feet were within 2 inches of her! LOL when I tried to move the ferns to find her she bit before I saw her and knew all was well. She was well shaded. Tonight after putting them away, I went to check the nest and low and behold she had 9 eggs in the nest! two from when I last checked it! So now we have fresh eggs again. Though I did think about setting up the old "incubator" but I have too much going on right now to even think of that! My husband would have flipped his lid! LOL
So now we wait and see how these come out and if she will continue to lay and She is thinking of going broody. She is sitting longer everyday on the eggs just like Etta did. Etta is still not laying and it has been two months. Oh well she seems happy. And they love their rendezvous with their new Turkey friend. She won't come in the yard though. It is going to be hotter than ever tomorrow and the next day with higher humidities. I just thank God that we have so much shade in the yard and I'm watering their dirt bath holes in the yard to help keep them cool. They love it!
Hi Peeps, I haven't been getting any email notifications in days so I finally came on to check what's up. Thanks for the confidence. All eggs are dated. I have 5 embryos out of the eight and I haven't candled the other three yet. I've got the humidity up to 40% and it is holding steady there. Pavi is still laying in the same spot and is laying twice a day again! Poor thing she sounds horrible! The outside temps went up to 97 today from being in the low 70's to high60's. I made sure all had fresh cool water all day and extra grain as they didn't want to come out of the shade to eat. At first I couldn't find Pavi, but my feet were within 2 inches of her! LOL when I tried to move the ferns to find her she bit before I saw her and knew all was well. She was well shaded. Tonight after putting them away, I went to check the nest and low and behold she had 9 eggs in the nest! two from when I last checked it! So now we have fresh eggs again. Though I did think about setting up the old "incubator" but I have too much going on right now to even think of that! My husband would have flipped his lid! LOL
So now we wait and see how these come out and if she will continue to lay and She is thinking of going broody. She is sitting longer everyday on the eggs just like Etta did. Etta is still not laying and it has been two months. Oh well she seems happy. And they love their rendezvous with their new Turkey friend. She won't come in the yard though. It is going to be hotter than ever tomorrow and the next day with higher humidities. I just thank God that we have so much shade in the yard and I'm watering their dirt bath holes in the yard to help keep them cool. They love it!

I bet you are really appreciating the incubator, after all your hassle with your last batch! 5 developing embryos, yay!

Are you sure Etta's not sneaking eggs in Pavi's nest? My Hens share nests all the time...

What kind of Turkey friend do they have now? I missed it if you posted about that. I just hatched 3 cute lil poults, can't wait 'til they grow up and can keep my TurkeyGirl company.

I run the sprinklers in my flocks' favorite dust bathing holes too, they churn it up good and love the damp cool dirt.

Keep us posted on your egg development, when are they due to hatch?

Hope you got the notification issue fixed!

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