Uh oh... found an egg today! ... - A journal of sorts, from finding eggs to hatching them... Update

TADA! This is the best picture I could get without getting the fuzzy and grainy pictures with being to close to the lid.
I'm pretty sure they are Royal Purples, but that's fine with me! :eek:)
They look like Royal Purples to me too! But some of my Chocolates have looked very close to Royal Purples, so be sure to check their colors really well after they are fluffed n dried. Thanks for the pic Duckie, Congrats on the new babies
What colors were in that flock again? (Or batch of eggs). I forget, it was forever ago that you said they were being shipped...

LMAO... where'd you get that sticker on your 'bator????? I need like ummmm 5 of those!!!
She had a bunch of colors. She must of had only Pearls laying because that's what I'm mostly getting so far.

They are actually hatching quite early and lockdown was suppose to be today, I'm going to leave them in there until next week on Tuesday and they should be done by then. I'm hopeing more hatch out soon because I hate waiting on eggs to hatch..

I got that sticker from a friend of mine, I laughed so hard when I got it in the mail! She said she ordered it on Ebay! I love it! :eek:)
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You mean you're gonna leave the just the unhatched eggs and wet keets in there... not the fluffed dried keets, right? The keets need to come out by the 36 hr mark for food and water... 24 is even better IMO tho.

If she has Pearl Grey males in her flock, but lots of pretty colored Hens...that would be why Pearl Grey's are dominating your hatch. Pearl Grey is like a big giant Sharpie marker, markin' all over everything! This is why I keep my Pearl Greys and most of my Royal Purples out of/away from my prettier flocks, lol.

My keets usually hatch on day 25/26... they rarely make it to day 25 in the 'bator before pipping and/or 1 or 2 have hatched in the 'bator w/o bumped up RH! So I lock-down on day 23 (well move them over to my hatcher and lock them down in that). Early is the norm, for my hatches at least, and has been for years.

I'll have to look for that sticker on eBay, lol. Too funny!
Yes, I moved the 4 dry and fluffy keets into their new brooder, dipped their beaks into the water and feeder and their sleeping under the heat lamp.
I just had 2 more Pearl keets hatch and there's a zipping egg and it looks like another Pearl! UGH! So much for getting any Buff, Buff Dundotte's, Coral Blues, Browns, Pieds, or any Chocolates!
Man! I had my hopes up for getting some Chocolates and Coral Blues! I'm happy that I have guineas again and that they are hatching but Man..

My incubator WAS getting put away after this but I may have to consider buying some more eggs! *Sigh*
By the way my three keets are now at the house in their little keet cage. I wound up with two Royal Purples.... I think... and one Pearl. Any pictures I have are very blurry.

Well take some more pics!!! I was wondering how your keetsies were doin'. Been findin' any more eggs??? My Girls are not happy with the heat, but I just set a batch of 42 about a week and a half ago and only pulled 8 clears when I recently candled Tuesday, so wooohoo. Now if I can just avoid the late quitters wiping out half my eggs, I'll have another nice hatch
This thread is so long I can't remember if I posted pics of my last few hatches, but here's the most recent one... just a small batch, 11 out of 12 hatched.

These are the 2nd batch of eggs I was letting my broody Guinea Hen sit on. I took these from her too and put 12 more in the nest... which after much complaining from her and the rest of the free range flock she walked over and promptly sat down on. Eventually she's gonna catch onto what I am doing... (using her as a free incubator) lol.

I've also been hatching a few other cuties here and there...
My 3 Turkey Poults (Blue Slate X Narragansett)

Growing fast, very tame and they are major beggers for watermelon and meal worms!

And some Coturnix Quail...
1st batch (just 3)

These guys grow fast!

2nd batch (6 this time, just hatched a few days ago)

Looks mad doesn't she? LOL

I'd like to know who turned me into such a hatch-o-holic!?!?!
All I know, Peeps, is that I'm buying stock in the Sterilite Bin company, thanks to your hatch-a-holicism! Have you started a chapter of HAHA (Hatch-A-Holics Anonymous - get it "HA-HA")?
I love the pictures of the turkeys and quail. The turkeys are adorable!

Great pictures, and congrats on all your babies.
Well take some more pics!!! I was wondering how your keetsies were doin'. Been findin' any more eggs??? My Girls are not happy with the heat, but I just set a batch of 42 about a week and a half ago and only pulled 8 clears when I recently candled Tuesday, so wooohoo. Now if I can just avoid the late quitters wiping out half my eggs, I'll have another nice hatch

I agree with Peeps, send pictures even if they're blurry! We don't care.

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