Uh oh...I think "she's" a "he"

Here is a picture of the main "suspect"... Ok, for all of you with way more experience (that means anyone with chickens for longer than 3 weeks!) is he cockerel?

And... I had thought I might get a silkie or two. Could they go ok with a buff orp roo? Can a regular sized rooster have bantam hens in his flock?

Here's the pic - sorry it's a bit blurry.



Yep for what I cna tell you have a roolet, that is one pink wattle. I would not suggest getting silkies, you have an all standard flock right? When you mix the tiny silkies in with standards they can get picked on really bad. Also That buff orp boy at full grown could get up to 10 pounds and silkes are only a couple full grown imagine rying to mount one of then, he could really hurt them.

I have a flock of 20 standards but now I am wanting to get some banties and I have found a solution, I am building a new coop. : )

Edit: You were wondering about the crowing, here is my boy with his girls.

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Our first roo, Jerk Chicken, was the reason I fell completely in love with chickens! I say give it a go! We did separate him from the other 5 chicks for a while because he was so much bigger and MEAN. But in the end, he got handled more and hand fed more and became the favorite family pet. I have read here that they can become more aggressive after a year, so i keep my eye on the two boys we have now, but I missed the crowing so much after Jerk died that I had to get more. We live 1800 ft or so from the road, and the neighbor across the street was commenting on how much he loves to hear our roos crowing just yesterday. That should tell you how loud they can be....and that your neighbors might surprise you. Also, a dozen eggs does wonders for the mood of grumpy neighbors
Well, in a way not getting or keeping silkies separate is a good thing. I kind of wanted to wait til next spring to get them anyway so that I'd be more set up and have some chicken experience before adding to my flock. But, I was worried about adding them into the flock. Now - problem solved!

I'm going to give it a go with my boy and we'll see how it goes. Let's just hope he's a good beginners rooster (kind to his girls, and sweet to me and the kids) and at least somewhat quiet! Wish us luck!


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