I think this is the group for me!

Im 23 and have a horrible memory problem due to medical issues.
I have to write my self daily notes to remind me to do simply things.
I ahve text messages and alarms on my phone (which doesnt help since I dont know where my phone is half the time)
I cant remember what I ate for super the night before (sometimes not even the same night)
My house is filled with stickies to remind me to do this. I even have to label where the keys go so I wont lose them.
I dont cook since I often forget to set the timer, etc and dont remember until the smoke alarm is gong off...
When I clean, I put everything in baskets for my husband to put away, so at least one of us knows where things are.
Im always losing my daughters stuff (books, toys, shoes, cups)

Lucikly my husband helps me
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I have a very helpful DH too. I think we have forgotten this thread. We who forget really need it. I need to remember to call the attorney tomorrow, and I have return the library books.
The books are overdue by more than a week.
I think I belong.

Now that I am retired, I'm thinking I have ADD -- have had ADD for most of my life. That would explain so much.

I decide to get some snap beans for supper. I go out to the garden, see a tool that needs putting away, pull a few weeds while checking for garden bugs, toss a few old veggies to the chickens, collect a few eggs, see that they need water, and tote the water pail that bumps against the eggs in my pocket. I return to the house to clean out my pockets and make supper. Think snap beans would go well for supper. Go out to the garden . . .
I have been meaning to read this thread since it began.
I've just forgotten to.

But I SO belong here...

Wife sent me to the garage to get the cartons to put some of the
Christmas shuff up in...She was upset when she found me cutting
brush in the back yard later. TODAY she stood by the door until I
brought the cartons in.

We go to a certain hotdog stand fairly often...Her job is to tell me
what I like on my hotdogs. I forget every time.

There is not a day that I don't forget something.

Great support group to start. I have memory problems too. Mine are from my migraine headaches that last for days. That plus I have had an undiagnosed medical problem for the last 8 years. The docs keep changing what they think is wrong with me. Currently they are convinced its fibermyalga. This plus I have major sleep disorders. Night terrors,screaming, sleep walking, or running,depends on how bad the dream is. I am also combative durring bad dreams , so yeah, the hubby's got himself a real peach. Sleep deprivation can do alot, and it certainly dose'nt help.
I write on my hands to remember. The down side of this is my friends all started doing the same cause it works. My DD fills in the blanks when I search for words to the point where people say we talk like tweedle dee and Tweedle dum, or the Weasley twins on Harry Potter. The bank tellers set me up with carbon copy checks, after a few incidents. Boy good thing for overdraft coverage. I act like a person with OCD, alot. I am so worried that I forgot to turn the coffe pot off, I will check it about 5 times before leaving the house.
I leave the keys in the car otherwise I cant find them. I dont lock the house, for the same reasons. And the worse I forget peoples names. There is nothing more personal then a name. Or I'll call Doris, Lois. Lobster becomes rooster. If I tell you, its in the microwave, that means the fridge. If you open the fridge and see a box of cereal in there, that means the milk is in the cupboard. But now I dont feel so alone. This thread has been a great comfort, and relief that mabey I'm not alone. Thankyou all posters for sharing your stories.
OMG, that is me to a T......it is so aggravating to do that. My dh tells me not to do something else first, just go do what you intended to......but it doesn't work that way. I have forgotten whatever it was as soon as I turn around to go do it. Sometimes I eventually remember what I meant to do, other times it is gone forever. Mine is the result of a severe concussion so there's not anything to do but grin and bear it...bah! humbug!
I woke up thinking about this thread, and I thought it had been forgotten about. But I see that I am wrong about that.
I won an auction for some Silkie eggs, I didn't have the e-mail address to pay for them right away. Then I forgot about the auction, and didn't check back on BYC for most of a week.
I hate forgetting about fun things.

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