UK Member Please Say HI

Have you checked to make sure she is not bunged up with poop? What does her navel look like? I'm afraid that sometimes when they have had a difficult hatch and are weak they can have underlying problems which can have caused the difficult hatch. I know it's not nice to say but not all chicks thrive after hatch. All you can do is your best, which I know you are doing :hugs

I've had my fair share of failure to thrive chicks.

Well I have to keep putting dilute iodine on all of them because they all seemed to have problems with their navels, some more than others, and she being the one who was still attached to her shell when she hatched...I haven't checked for any clogged up poop yet, so I will have a check on her now and see how she is.
@Yorkshire Coop
So I was going to look by they are all in a massive dog pile I can't quite figure out which one she is! Although saying that there is no cheeping going on so I'm hoping she must be feeling a bit better...l check up on her in the morning and see if she is still being as vocal!
One more question...I have another 7 week old Scots Grey Hybrid who is on her tod in a run. I am wanting to introduce her to the rest of my gang but I am afraid because she wasn't brought up with a hen that she might get bullied or the cockerel might try to mount can I introduce her without causing complete chaos? Would it be best to sneak her in one evening?
@ all who have inquired about aiyla




@Yorkshire Coop
So I was going to look by they are all in a massive dog pile I can't quite figure out which one she is! Although saying that there is no cheeping going on so I'm hoping she must be feeling a bit better...l check up on her in the morning and see if she is still being as vocal!
One more question...I have another 7 week old Scots Grey Hybrid who is on her tod in a run. I am wanting to introduce her to the rest of my gang but I am afraid because she wasn't brought up with a hen that she might get bullied or the cockerel might try to mount can I introduce her without causing complete chaos? Would it be best to sneak her in one evening?

Pleased to hear they are all settled including your chirper :D
For me 7 weeks is a tad early to put her in. I would start by putting her next to them for a few weeks do they can becone aquainted but without hassle or fights. It's worked well for me and new birds have gone in with only a bit fighting and nothing too major ~

@ all who have inquired about aiyla





Oh wow GG she sure is growing fast :love Are you sure she is not starting school in September :gig
She sure can do a pic, both with the biggest smile and most serious face there with you! Fab pics and I'm so pleased she is doing well :highfive:
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Pleased to hear they are all settled including your chirper :D
For me 7 weeks is a tad early to put her in. I would start by putting her next to them for a few weeks do they can becone aquainted but without hassle or fights. It's worked well for me and new birds have gone in with only a bit fighting and nothing too major ~

That's great thanks for that! Yeh they saw her a bit when she was smaller and surrounded by her brothers...but I sold them a few weeks ago and since then she has been kept in with my broody hen, who has since hatched her own two and keeps having a jab at the older chick whenever she gets the chance. I just thought I would try move her or of there to give them both some more space and keep my broody a bit happier. I will try moving her run out of the broody pen then and see how that goes. The only concern I have with that is I have noticed something has been trying to dig under her run, a rat or a rabbit perhaps? So I don't want her being nibbled whilst she sleeps! I will try and find a stone slab to put her on, make things a bit more stable and secure.
Have you checked to make sure she is not bunged up with poop? What does her navel look like? I'm afraid that sometimes when they have had a difficult hatch and are weak they can have underlying problems which can have caused the difficult hatch. I know it's not nice to say but not all chicks thrive after hatch. All you can do is your best, which I know you are doing :hugs

I've had my fair share of failure to thrive chicks.

So I've had a look at all their bottoms and there is one who is particularly bunged the point where I think it may be bleeding slightly? Going to try and work it off this morning. All the others seem to be ok, though I did notice the weakest one was eating sawdust earlier...not sure how to stop it from doing that :/
Cleaned all their little bottoms so they look nice and tidy now ^_^ would feeding them scrambled egg help to stop this in the future? Or is that for other health benefits?
The only concern I have now is that they're navels appear to be a little dry, and protruding this normal when they still have bits of umbilical stuff (sorry can't think of the technical term!) attached? I am treating them with dilute iodine and they all seem to be fit and healthy otherwise. Should I be worried?
Cleaned all their little bottoms so they look nice and tidy now ^_^ would feeding them scrambled egg help to stop this in the future? Or is that for other health benefits?
The only concern I have now is that they're navels appear to be a little dry, and protruding this normal when they still have bits of umbilical stuff (sorry can't think of the technical term!) attached? I am treating them with dilute iodine and they all seem to be fit and healthy otherwise. Should I be worried?

Hiya :frow

How are they doing now? What your describing sounds all ok for post hatch. Sometimes it can take a while for the umbilical to dry up and fall off. It will do this naturally so no need to pull it or cut it. The umbilical area can be a little swollen after hatch but as long as it's dry and clean they should be fine.

Apple cider vinegar can be good for digestive issues with the chicks and scrambled is a great treat for them that's full of nutrients.

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