UK Member Please Say HI

Hi Daniela and welcome to the thread.

I'm afraid I can't help you re finding a companion for your silkie but I hope you do have a pullet (I know silkies can be quite difficult to sex) and I wish you luck.

Best wishes

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@Rudies Roost

Goodness you have some big plans taking place!! Pleased to hear it all went well with environmental health :D
Can't believe the neighbours sent them round!
Hope your vet bill is not too much :fl


This is my current little soldier...he hatched yesterday morning in the incubator, but I wasn't until early evening we noticed it was in fact still attached to the bottom half of the shell :( it had gone all dry and crispy so it was very carefully detached and popped in with the others to fluff up overnight. I have been giving him some vitamins and washing its belly button with dilute iodine and he is slowly picking up (inbetween long naps) to the point where I hope he will be trying to walk tomorrow. He's the second one from this hatch that I have struggled with...the other had the same walking problem and kept falling on to its back unable to right itself. Although she's much better today after some long should I keep giving them for? I'm also worried about how much it seems to knock them it normal for them to sleep straight after? Or could I be giving them too much? When they are awake they are very vocal and seem happy enough in themselves. Love them too pieces!

Lovely chick :D
After hatch they sleep an awful lot so it may not be the vitamins you are giving it. Can you add the vitamins to the water?

Hi all, im from the uk(london)

Just got a chicken I think its a silkie but have been getting advice from the good poeple on this site as to the sex, age and type that i have.

Looking for a rescue chicken to keep her(i'm hoping!) Would anyone know where i could go?


Daniela x

Hi Daniela and welcome to the thread :frow

I hope I'm wrong and that you have a pullet and not a cockerel. If it's not crowing I would certainly keep it a bit longer just to be sure.
@Rudies Roost

Goodness you have some big plans taking place!! Pleased to hear it all went well with environmental health :D
Can't believe the neighbours sent them round!
Hope your vet bill is not too much :fl
Lovely chick :D
After hatch they sleep an awful lot so it may not be the vitamins you are giving it. Can you add the vitamins to the water?

Hi Daniela and welcome to the thread :frow

I hope I'm wrong and that you have a pullet and not a cockerel. If it's not crowing I would certainly keep it a bit longer just to be sure.

Hey everyone...hope you're all having a good weekend so far ^_^
@Yorkshire Coop Yeh I've add a couple of drops to the water to make sure everyone gets it, I just wanted to make doubly sure this little one was getting some because I haven't seen it eat or drink yet, or it can't make it there just yet. On the other hand, it has been up and walking today which is practically a miracle, honestly thought it wouldn't last this long! I am rather proud of myself I must admit, having managed to bring two chicks back from the brink this week :) I am going to try and cut back on the vitamins though...starting to get some runny poop so I don't want to do more harm than good for trying to look after them too much.
Hey everyone...hope you're all having a good weekend so far ^_^
@Yorkshire Coop Yeh I've add a couple of drops to the water to make sure everyone gets it, I just wanted to make doubly sure this little one was getting some because I haven't seen it eat or drink yet, or it can't make it there just yet. On the other hand, it has been up and walking today which is practically a miracle, honestly thought it wouldn't last this long! I am rather proud of myself I must admit, having managed to bring two chicks back from the brink this week :) I am going to try and cut back on the vitamins though...starting to get some runny poop so I don't want to do more harm than good for trying to look after them too much.

Here you been tapping your finger in the food to show where the food is? Also gently dipping their beaks into the water helps to get them drinking.
Runny poops the first few days can be normal as they start to get their digestive systems in order.

Well done for getting them this far :highfive:
Here you been tapping your finger in the food to show where the food is? Also gently dipping their beaks into the water helps to get them drinking.
Runny poops the first few days can be normal as they start to get their digestive systems in order.

Well done for getting them this far :highfive:

Yeh I've been tapping their food and some of them have found it, along with the water, the other two are still enjoying the heat of the brooder plate seeing as they're about 24 hours younger, though I'm going to try and encourage them a bit more tomorrow.
Yeh I've been tapping their food and some of them have found it, along with the water, the other two are still enjoying the heat of the brooder plate seeing as they're about 24 hours younger, though I'm going to try and encourage them a bit more tomorrow.


I have found that too with some that have hatched late in my batches. They head straight for the het and are quite happy hanging out under there untill they feel a bit stronger. It's hard work getting out of the egg for them!!
@Rudies Roost

Hi again Sasha

It was late last night when I typed and I forgot to ask after your duck at the vets..... I'm wincing for you at the thought of what that bill is going to come to, especially on top of the fencing you're having to fork out for. Hope they manage to fix him up well though.

Sorry to hear that your daughter experienced what I was warning Timon about but great to hear that she has overcome it with the help of the friendly roo you now have. She must be a tough little girl because it is a pretty scary experience. I had an almost daily run in with one of mine and it is unbelievable how much power they have. I'm pretty solid and he could nearly knock me off my feet and drew blood through my jodhpurs on more than one occasion and he would not back down. I had another one who tried it a few times but I managed to retrain him. Someone's dog got the bad one in the end and I would like to think that perhaps he taught the dog a lesson about chickens before his demise and that maybe he gave his life to save his girls, so there was some benefit to that aggression, but I certainly don't miss him.

Best wishes


Hi @rebrascora and @Yorkshirecoop....Thank goodness the vet agreed my drake didn't need surgery. An overnight stay, x-ray, meds, anaesthetic and anti-inflammatories came to £ other half said he'd pay....he says that the ducks drive him mad but when it boils down to it, he's a softie with his boys! Drake is doing really well and seems thrilled to be home, the way his fellow drakes and ducks ran to him when they heard him was a lovely sight!

My RIR cockerel gave up his life for his ladies too so I guess in hindsight, I cant knock his lairy attitude, saved all but 4 of the hens in my large flock. I do miss him despite his vile personality to my daughter but he was always lovely with me...poor lad!! Have a fab weekend. Sasha xx
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Hi Timon and welcome from me too

Sorry, really didn't mean to lecture..... just wanting to outline the less pleasant and less talked about side of poultry keeping that unfortunately you may need to research.

Good luck whatever you decide, but do be careful with your child around adolescent roosters.

Best wishes


Hi Barbara,

Thank you for all the advice. I will keep a closer eye on them, especially as they get older. They're 14 weeks now, and using want them to cause any injury to my little girl.

I don't intend to keep 4 cockerels.. 1 will be plenty, so perhaps an explanation of the circle of life, or perhaps a local market will take them.

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