UK Member Please Say HI

Try not to panic :hugs You have done the right thing to try to stop any drying out. Just pop it back in and keep the humidity high. As long as no blood vessels in the membrane have been ruptured it should be fine. Let it be to continue with the hatching process.
Everything's intact in there he's just chipped away at the shell. He said he could hear it and thought it needed help!! I can see its beak so it's in the right position fingers crossed it'll be ok
Hi Yorkshire coop!
Thank you very much.  How is your octagon going?  Have you anything in it at the minute?  Glad to hear that it is reliable.    I looked at those, but sadly, my husband got frightened that I would be unable to talk about anything else... (not that far away as it is...)  Yes, I got a Mini ii ex, so am really hoping that it works well for us.  We tried a manual incubator a few years ago and had an awful time with some quail eggs.  Out of six, one hatched (three were infertile, two died early)  and we broke our hearts trying to keep her alive as she probably shouldn't have hatched - couldn't really walk and looked too young to have hatched.  I will have a look at the link, thank you very much!


You are most welcome! I've had the octagon 3 years now and I love it! I'm setting eggs next Saturday in it so will unpack and get it set up next Friday to make sure it's running ok before putting the eggs in. It's been money well spent as it's totally set and forget. No messing with turning or adjusting the humidity level as the turner and pump takes care of those.

Sorry to hear you had trouble with your quail :( I too have a manual incubator but it needs a lot of babysitting. I use it now only if I have eggs at different start days and need to hatch in it. For that it's fine as I just add lots of water and with the eggs not needing to be turned it's not too bad.

Good luck with your new incubator and I hope you have a great hatch :fl
I took this photo lastnight after I caught my nephew. Still has blood to absorb do you think it has long? I barely slept lastnight worrying

They look very strong veins in the membrane but if the pic was taken last night it may have started to absorb them by now.
From the pic it also looks like it has not internally pipped, has the beak broken through the membrane yet?
The veins have got smaller since lastnight. I can't see where the end of the beak is as it's behind the shell I didn't want to risk taking bits off. It's definitely in the position though isn't it

Yes it's the right position.

He's internally pipped but there's some blood
has he pipped through a vein?

Sounds like he has pipped a vein yes. How's he doing now?

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