UK Member Please Say HI

Hi all I'm on day 18 with my silkie eggs when do you think I should put them into lockdown? Also shall I lay them on their sides or up right? Thanks in advance

Put them into lockdown today..... Aim for 65-75% humidity, and place the eggs on their sides.

Good luck :)
Welcome to the thread @chickenrk

Lovely flock you have there and congrats on your first cockerel
You sure are in good company here so chatting away with duck/chicken talk won't be classed as obsessive here! Is your Brinsea one of the new models? I have the octagon 20 advance with humidity pump and I love it. Very reliable and always gives me great hatches. My best advice first off would be to check out this ~
It's a bible on incubating and hatching.

Hi Yorkshire coop!
Thank you very much. How is your octagon going? Have you anything in it at the minute? Glad to hear that it is reliable. I looked at those, but sadly, my husband got frightened that I would be unable to talk about anything else... (not that far away as it is...) Yes, I got a Mini ii ex, so am really hoping that it works well for us. We tried a manual incubator a few years ago and had an awful time with some quail eggs. Out of six, one hatched (three were infertile, two died early) and we broke our hearts trying to keep her alive as she probably shouldn't have hatched - couldn't really walk and looked too young to have hatched. I will have a look at the link, thank you very much!
Hi DancingWithDucks

Thank you for the advice, I will do the misting :) and let you know how it goes.  We are very close - I know Milnthorpe well!  I live near Lancaster!! :thumbsup  

Oh wow we are very close!

ok I'll do that at some point today!! Thankyou I'll post pics when they hatch

I'm looking forwards to the pics already! Best of luck.
Hi everyone,

bought a fab new incy this week - Brinsea Mini ii ex - so I have spent the day trying to understand how it works as I have some beautiful runner and campbell duck eggs arriving on Tuesday!!! I am very excited and I think my husband thinks I am becoming a little obsessed - which is why i joined to say hello (thought i would be in good company!!)

Hi. Welcome to the thread.

I bought a cheap incubator and tried setting eggs, but I checked their temperature after a few hours with a manual thermometer and they were at 45degrees!!
I've just bought a Brinsea mini advanced. Hoping it's as plug and play as it says it is !

Hi Barbara :frow

I hope you are doing ok? Are things a tad easier for you now the restrictions are lifted?
I'm getting my flag out again!

Managed to get out on Harry this morning and I'm pleased to report it was a much quieter ride than last weekend! No muck spreaders starting up from behind any hedges which was a real bonus :D I do hope you have managed to get out on yours :fl
How's it going with the broody hens? Have you managed to break Portia? Or is she still set on that nest? I've started collecting for the Easter Hatch a Long and I have 6 eggs so far. Not as many as I would like as the first day I collected to store there was not an egg to be seen :rolleyes: Hoping to have at least half an incubator full for the hatch but we will see.
Hope you are all ok up there and that you have had a great weekend :hugs

Kim xx
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Help!!!! My nephew snuck into the room and took an quail egg out of lockdown and opened it up!!! Luckily it was by the aircell and the baby is moving around in there!! It's day 17. I've put some coconut oil on the membrane to stop it from getting dry and put it straight back in. I'm worried out of my mind
Help!!!! My nephew snuck into the room and took an quail egg out of lockdown and opened it up!!! Luckily it was by the aircell and the baby is moving around in there!! It's day 17. I've put some coconut oil on the membrane to stop it from getting dry and put it straight back in. I'm worried out of my mind

Try not to panic :hugs You have done the right thing to try to stop any drying out. Just pop it back in and keep the humidity high. As long as no blood vessels in the membrane have been ruptured it should be fine. Let it be to continue with the hatching process.

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