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They are getting bigger all the time! Started shooting them now when they get under the wild bird feeder!

Hope everyone hasn’t been washed out if you are celebrating the coronation? Had rain here again this aft! Thunder storm yesterday T time that took forever to pass!
You need a few cats that would sort it. When we moved in here it was crawling with rats (outside not in) we tried trapping, not very successfully I might add, so ended up shooting an awful lot of them from the bedroom window, I put peanuts that I use for the wild birds down then just waited til it was dark and the night-sights on hubbies air rifle worked a treat, just had to open the window very quietly. All we were doing really was keeping the numbers from getting bigger, for all the hundreds that we shot there were more being born. Then a stray cat turned up, only 8 or 9 months old we let her have some kittens then got her and her offspring, 3 little toms, all spayed. Not seen a rat in months now except one that the cats killed and left for me. Farmer cleaned out the fold yard a couple of months ago in prep for some new calves and he only disturbed half a dozen when he moved the grain feeder for the cattle. So they are doing a grand job of keeping the numbers down, more so than we ever did with the air rifle.
Yes that would be ideal and I would love more cats but unfortunately the dogs do get on with cats :hmm I have to keep my elderly cat that I have away from them. If cats run the dogs chase, it’s all a right pain in the backside with them.
Trap is set too outside and kitchen window open ready for the gun.

We have rats down at the field/stables so the lady I share with and I have taken in a mother and son that needed a new home. Lovely big cats both spayed so I’m hoping they get them under control there. They have come from other stables so should know their job. Currently locked in one of the stables for another week so they know where their new home is. But could do with them at home!

Those cats are almost identical to mine, only the black one of ours, the mum, is long haired the tabby, one of her sons is identical to your tabby short smooth coat, her other two sons one is black/white long haired identical to mum except he has a white spot on his lower jaw whilst hers is all black, the other son is a tabby but more tiger striped than tabby long haired with the white feet and belly which they all have. We do have a litter of six as well from a stray that had her kittens in the straw stack, when I tried to help with feeding her she took them away, twice more they were found and offered food and twice more she removed them, they ended up in a belt of trees a field away she obviously didn't want any help and when she decided they could fend for themselves she left them to it I've not seen her since but all six kittens ended up back here of their own accord. I discovered her and her kittens whilst getting some loose straw from the middle of the stack for my chicken nest boxes, couldn't believe my eyes as I'd been told by the farmer it was his neutered tom cat from his farm house. Then once she'd left them in the woods I was getting more straw for the nest boxes and there was a little kit in the middle of the stack all by him/her self so gave it some food and water, within a week the rest of the litter were there as well. It was fun trying to trap them to take them for neutering. Two black, two tabby and two black/white male and female of each, which I found extraordinary.
Those cats are almost identical to mine, only the black one of ours, the mum, is long haired the tabby, one of her sons is identical to your tabby short smooth coat, her other two sons one is black/white long haired identical to mum except he has a white spot on his lower jaw whilst hers is all black, the other son is a tabby but more tiger striped than tabby long haired with the white feet and belly which they all have. We do have a litter of six as well from a stray that had her kittens in the straw stack, when I tried to help with feeding her she took them away, twice more they were found and offered food and twice more she removed them, they ended up in a belt of trees a field away she obviously didn't want any help and when she decided they could fend for themselves she left them to it I've not seen her since but all six kittens ended up back here of their own accord. I discovered her and her kittens whilst getting some loose straw from the middle of the stack for my chicken nest boxes, couldn't believe my eyes as I'd been told by the farmer it was his neutered tom cat from his farm house. Then once she'd left them in the woods I was getting more straw for the nest boxes and there was a little kit in the middle of the stack all by him/her self so gave it some food and water, within a week the rest of the litter were there as well. It was fun trying to trap them to take them for neutering. Two black, two tabby and two black/white male and female of each, which I found extraordinary.
Forgot to say all these cats live outside, our 3 Border Terriers are all cat killers or chicken killers from our last address. There was a farm across the road from us and they had cats but not had any spayed so they would come into our garden to have their kittens because all he did was drown them when he found them. We had our front lawn there all fenced with a gate that the dogs could go out into and play but when we let them out they got wise to the cats and would do a tour of the back garden before going onto the front lawn and occasionally they would find them and despatch them before you could blink an eye. So the dogs are only allowed loose in our enclosed yard here if the go anywhere else they are on lead.
Those cats are almost identical to mine, only the black one of ours, the mum, is long haired the tabby, one of her sons is identical to your tabby short smooth coat, her other two sons one is black/white long haired identical to mum except he has a white spot on his lower jaw whilst hers is all black, the other son is a tabby but more tiger striped than tabby long haired with the white feet and belly which they all have. We do have a litter of six as well from a stray that had her kittens in the straw stack, when I tried to help with feeding her she took them away, twice more they were found and offered food and twice more she removed them, they ended up in a belt of trees a field away she obviously didn't want any help and when she decided they could fend for themselves she left them to it I've not seen her since but all six kittens ended up back here of their own accord. I discovered her and her kittens whilst getting some loose straw from the middle of the stack for my chicken nest boxes, couldn't believe my eyes as I'd been told by the farmer it was his neutered tom cat from his farm house. Then once she'd left them in the woods I was getting more straw for the nest boxes and there was a little kit in the middle of the stack all by him/her self so gave it some food and water, within a week the rest of the litter were there as well. It was fun trying to trap them to take them for neutering. Two black, two tabby and two black/white male and female of each, which I found extraordinary.

Forgot to say all these cats live outside, our 3 Border Terriers are all cat killers or chicken killers from our last address. There was a farm across the road from us and they had cats but not had any spayed so they would come into our garden to have their kittens because all he did was drown them when he found them. We had our front lawn there all fenced with a gate that the dogs could go out into and play but when we let them out they got wise to the cats and would do a tour of the back garden before going onto the front lawn and occasionally they would find them and despatch them before you could blink an eye. So the dogs are only allowed loose in our enclosed yard here if the go anywhere else they are on lead.
Can’t female cats be funny when they have kittens if though you are only trying to help them. That’s very kind of you take them all in and get them fixed. Very good for the pest control though! We have let the 2 field cats out yesterday. I have to admit I was very worried about them not returning but thankfully they have both returned at T time yesterday and again this morning. Phew!
Poppy helped with poo picking the field this morning after her breakfast :)

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