UK Member Please Say HI

Hi all,just new here (and with chickens). We're from Perth, in Scotland and have 11 chickens.

Love them to bits :)

Had a query on lice over on another part of the forum, so hope to get some help :-D
@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

Congrats on your egg sales and poultry too. I have a serious glut here of both eggs and poultry and I have regulars that I trade the eggs with but I'm about 7 days behind.... which is 9 or 10 dozen eggs and I'm eating 3 a day myself!! Finding the time just to wash them all is slowing down the distribution but things are manic at the moment. I'm strip grazing my field on a morning and then they come back in afternoon and evening with soaked haylage, so still mucking out, soaking haylage and having to move the electric fence every day, plus bees swarming (caught 6 swarms so far but plenty more to come) manure to deliver, broody hens coming out of my ears and nowhere to set them all, so need to get my table saw out and do some woodworking, weeds need cutting back, lawns cut, fencing to do, still haven't got my garden set and tatties sets are trying to grow on my dining room table where they were left to chit months ago! I've had 3 migraines in the past 2 weeks and a chesty virus, so only firing on two cylinders which has slowed me down at a time when I can't afford it. And we have now started driving Ian's horses as a pair so he requires my assistance each evening to get them out....... so sadly NO, I haven't ridden since Rebel took ill..... but pleased to report that he seems to be doing OK thanks, Of course I'm anxious now that they are getting some grass again. I have a double electric fence up, just in case the first one gets breached and they get onto too much grass when I'm not there.... each time I return to the yard I have a sick feeling in my stomach that he will have relapsed. Hopefully that will disappear after a few months of everything being ok. Must get out riding again soon though as I will have lost all the progress we made. So pleased to hear you are hacking out on Harry now. I know what you mean about 24/7 turn making them easier.... unfortunately that is pie in the sky for me at the moment!

Must go now as breakfast is over and lots to do.

Best wishes


Hi Barabara :D

Great to hear from you as always :D
I was starting to worry but guessed you must be super busy and goodness me you certainly are :th Im so pleased to hear Rebel is still ok and I hope once things have settled down you get the chance to go out riding. Your list of jobs sounds very long!! Firing on 2 cylinders is not good :hugs Are you feeling a bit run down? I would not be surprised if you are with everything that's happened. All quiet here still and just the same plod plod plodding along. A few new contracts are just starting for us business wise. We are health and safety and training providers so you can be sure everyone will want something all at once when things have been quiet for a while. As long as it does not interfere with my Harry, chicken and BYC time I will be happy. Managed to get out on Harry again this morning, he was not impressed when I put his tack on the door for the third day running!! He promptly moved to the back of his stable and pretended not to look. I'm sure he thought if I can't see her she can't see me!! He is a funny old thing!

Think thats about it for here so I hope your having a relaxing evening (At least trying to!)

Catch you very soon

Kim xx

doe anyone have some suggestions of how I can sell some eggs both chickens and ducks in totally over run
argh help I feel like
I'm drowning in bloody eggs ( I live right at the bottom of the street)

Hi GG :D

Can you stick a sign up in your garden so the neighbours can see it? Maybe a few flyers around the street? How about other Mum's at school? Try and flog them some!! I'm hoping some that have called for eggs this week become regulars or at least spread the word!

Hi all,just new here (and with chickens). We're from Perth, in Scotland and have 11 chickens.

Love them to bits :)

Had a query on lice over on another part of the forum, so hope to get some help :-D

Hi welcome to the thread :frow

Lice! :barnie
I'm obsessed with keeping those and mites at bay can't stand the horrid little critters! Have a read of this article ~

A good louse powder is essential to dust the birds with. Make sure it's one that kills lice not just DE earth. DE is good for preventive measures I have found. I also use "Harkers, Harka-mectin" It's ivermectin spot on for pigeons but works on chickens. I did one week egg withdrawal after treating them with this. You can get it on amazon.

Keeping your coop as clean and dry as possible also helps. Make sure you treat all the nooks and crannies in the coop. Especially under any perches.

Good luck with your birds :thumbsup
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hi there @Yorkshire Coop

thanks for the advice. we only noticed there was a lice problem when one of the girls had a bounded egg and we were trying to save her.

We have treated all the infected chooks with this powder -, but the louse eggs are still there after 2 treatments.

we have sprayed the coop and we also put some powder, that has some sort of natural grinding action, to help kill of lice. is that the DE Earth you mentioned???

My question is, that after 2 treatments the lice eggs are still at the base of the feathers - how do we get rid of them? or do they fall off naturally once all the lice is killed? how many treatments will that take?

sorry for being such a noob, but we've only had our chooks since March and never owned any before :-/

the coop seems clean, its large for the amounnt of chooks we have and it is cleaned out on a weekly basis. plus we have poop trays, so the chooks aren't walking around in their poop.
hi there @Yorkshire Coop

thanks for the advice. we only noticed there was a lice problem when one of the girls had a bounded egg and we were trying to save her.

We have treated all the infected chooks with this powder -, but the louse eggs are still there after 2 treatments.

we have sprayed the coop and we also put some powder, that has some sort of natural grinding action, to help kill of lice. is that the DE Earth you mentioned???

My question is, that after 2 treatments the lice eggs are still at the base of the feathers - how do we get rid of them? or do they fall off naturally once all the lice is killed? how many treatments will that take?

sorry for being such a noob, but we've only had our chooks since March and never owned any before :-/

the coop seems clean, its large for the amounnt of chooks we have and it is cleaned out on a weekly basis. plus we have poop trays, so the chooks aren't walking around in their poop.

The eggs (nits) that are stuck on the feather shafts will hatch. The powder may keep the lice at bay but won't kill off the eggs. You can coat the eggs in Vaseline to stop them hatching. Looking at your powder it seems to be an organic one so no pesticide in it. If it's worked and you can't see actual lice running it must be working. I use this to dust my birds and I put it in the coop also, kills both lice and mites ~


Ask away with all the question you need to, we were all new once. I'm more than happy to help with things that have worked for me.
Hello from Somerset!! Ct gave me the link and Yorkshire coop backed it up. Hope you are all well. Great looking chooks everyone.
Thanks again. We hope to get some more ex bats and I think the wife would love to have a girl go broody. I'll post some pics.

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