UK Member Please Say HI

Welcome to the thread Jonny, glad you could join us here :D

To add pics you need to look for the mountain and moon box in your editor. Are you on mobile or desktop version of BYC?
Welcome to the thread Jonny, glad you could join us here :D

To add pics you need to look for the mountain and moon box in your editor. Are you on mobile or desktop version of BYC?

Mobile Version YC.thank you, so many welcomes I can tell already this is one of the better forums. 5

Think I've cracked it!!


Present day


And one if thier coop / run.
cost £20 for the wire mesh all the rest is recycled pallets and wood.


I like to think they're doing well
just feed them the multi nutes pellets and wild bird seed as a "treat" now and then lol.
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It sure is great here! Certainly a good forum, I don't do any other social media especially not the book face! BYC does have a book face page though ;)
I've been here just over a couple of years now and love it. I've made some super friends, some not so many miles from me and others thousands of miles away!

Fab pics of your birds and they look very happy :D Great going on your run and reusing the pallets :highfive:
Your doing a great job with them :thumbsup
Welcome JohnnyA88 :) £20 cost is pretty good.

We rehomed the cockerel so only have two chickens luxuriating in their large coop and run with freedom in the whole garden every day. Got rid of the greenhouse, too, and have adapted that area that's next to the chickens into a mini-orchard, so they'll be restricted to that area soon; still tons of space so we'll get a third ex-battery hen soon. Still investigating what fence to put up this time as the previous one was just too obtrusive. TBH it's the gate that's the difficulty rather than the fence.
Thanks Scifisam! What's the issue your having with the gate? I'm actually a joiner so may be able to offer some advice?

I had a similar issue with my coop as the side is hinged but i wanted to put in raised beds. What I did without making my coop smaller I put a bi-fold on my opening side. It opens by folding in half so it lifts past the planters.
It's just that I want an unobtrusive fence to separate that part of the garden, and that's easy enough to do with fence posts, netting/chicken wire and hooks, but the gate part requires more effort, at least extra fence posts and the ability to hook it to the bottom as well as the top, but then I'd find that difficult to use (arthritis). It's just to stop the chickens getting out rather than for fox-proofing.
Hey! Hope you're all Well!? New member here just to say Hi.

We've had our 3 chickens since August as pullets so won't be laying till February. (If we get through the winter fine.

Our ladies, Muriel, peggy-Sue and Hedwig are all doing well. I've just had a few days of worry with Hedwig as she was limping and not being very active. Must of been deadleg or something as today's she's been much better!!! Still keeping a close eye her just incase buy took advice from a member in another thread and inspected the leg no signs of sores or bleeding / spelk etc.

And as soon as I figure out how to attach photos I'll post some. You'll get a wee journey couple of them when they're little and a few present day.


Hi there and's great here and the advice is invaluable :)

@Yorkshirecoop I'm finally over the hangover and I'm out again tonight!! Sticking to wine tonight though!!
Hi everyone. Welcome to the new people.

Bonfire night - what a disappointment.
My 5-yr old still hates fireworks. This year after the last 2 years screaming I had hoped that a pair of builders ear defenders would do the trick, but the first screamer was from a rocket, and the next screamer was my little girl. "Please can we go home daddy?" Tears, screams and nearly choking me she was wrapping her arms so tightly round my neck. "I just want to go home daddy..."
So £12 to get into the display lasted about 2 minutes.... oh well.

Chickens are doing well, feathers are still growing back on the rescue hens. Out of 8 girls, I'm getting 4 or 5 eggs per day.
Is moulting and egg reduction supposed to happen every year?
Welcome JohnnyA88 :) £20 cost is pretty good.

We rehomed the cockerel so only have two chickens luxuriating in their large coop and run with freedom in the whole garden every day. Got rid of the greenhouse, too, and have adapted that area that's next to the chickens into a mini-orchard, so they'll be restricted to that area soon; still tons of space so we'll get a third ex-battery hen soon. Still investigating what fence to put up this time as the previous one was just too obtrusive. TBH it's the gate that's the difficulty rather than the fence. 

I have been using the omlet poultry netting for when I let them out in the garden. It's not predator proof but keeps them where I want them :D It's easy to move about and packs away well too. It even has a gate :highfive:


ETA ~ This is not my garden! Far too tidy for me!

Hey! Hope you're all Well!? New member here just to say Hi.

We've had our 3 chickens since August as pullets so won't be laying till February. (If we get through the winter fine.

Our ladies, Muriel, peggy-Sue and Hedwig are all doing well. I've just had a few days of worry with Hedwig as she was limping and not being very active. Must of been deadleg or something as today's she's been much better!!! Still keeping a close eye her just incase buy took advice from a member in another thread and inspected the leg no signs of sores or bleeding / spelk etc.

And as soon as I figure out how to attach photos I'll post some. You'll get a wee journey couple of them when they're little and a few present day.


Hi there and's great here and the advice is invaluable :)

@Yorkshirecoop I'm finally over the hangover and I'm out again tonight!! Sticking to wine tonight though!!


Out again, does wine not cause hangovers? :gig

Hi everyone. Welcome to the new people.

Bonfire night - what a disappointment.
My 5-yr old still hates fireworks. This year after the last 2 years screaming I had hoped that a pair of builders ear defenders would do the trick, but the first screamer was from a rocket, and the next screamer was my little girl. "Please can we go home daddy?" Tears, screams and nearly choking me she was wrapping her arms so tightly round my neck. "I just want to go home daddy..."
So £12 to get into the display lasted about 2 minutes.... oh well.

Chickens are doing well, feathers are still growing back on the rescue hens. Out of 8 girls, I'm getting 4 or 5 eggs per day.
Is moulting and egg reduction supposed to happen every year?

Oh no what a shame your daughter was so scared :( I'm not surprised with how loud some of them are nowadays! Hope she gets better as she gets older and can enjoy them. Some round us last night you could actually feel going off in the house. Dog didn't like them and the silly cat would not come in. When she eventually did she was super fluffed up and scared!

I have found with hybrid hens they tend not to molt quite as much as my polish have. I have also found the hybrids tend to molt more as they get older. Ginny my Amber hybrid is 4 years old now and this is the first year she has stopped laying while molting. Each bird is individual though and some have hard molts where as others hardly look like they have lost any feathers at all.
I've looked at the omlet netting but it's really expensive because the smallest they do is much bigger than I need.

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