UK Member Please Say HI

Good ideas. Luckily, we already double skinned our Heras fencing with fine gauge chicken wire...more to keep the squirrels and dogs noses out but the holes are also too small for Sparrows. Also, I live right next an airport (the planes literally take off over the end of our garden) so not too many birds get within the flying zone of our house due to the airport control measures for the runway....usually keeps most migrating birds away (never thought I'd see the day when I was truly grateful for the Airport's bird scarers!!).

I will take the advice and keep a disinfectant dip outside the coop just in case. I wasn't planning on visiting any upcoming bird shows but I definitely won't now!

The bird scarer sounds good Sasha! Disinfectant is also good or just kept one pair of boots to do the birds in and nothing else so you don't bring anything in.

Cheers, was running about like a lunatic tonight first I heard of it I was on my way to work
I'm halfway through building a new coop to move them into and move my chicks out they're sat watching TV with me at the moment
Looks like they'll be still in for xmas

Watching TV with you :gig

Thanks for the info to the thread Yorkshire coop...very informative, as we only have 2 girls right now it will/should be easy enough for us to keep their food and water away from wild birds...most wild birds we do get in the garden get stalked by our cats anyway :) I think it's easy to panic but also nae harm in taking precautions. Last thing we want to hear on the news is thousands of birds having to get slaughtered due to an outbreak :-(

No probs and welcome to the thread :D

Exactly, prevention is always easier than the cure.
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Stressing!!!! I've read all of the above but just want to check...
Our two girls are in an enclosed pen with their coop adjoined so nothing can get in nor them out. Should I put a tarp over the top incase of wild bird droppings? We could put the whole pen and coop in the garage but that would be even more boring for the poor things. Felt awful not letting them free range today and have a swim in their paddling pool! Brought them into the house for a few tomatoes and a cuddle and I can see them using the bath soon...
@Yorkshirecoop Thanks for the advice. I have a pair of wellies that I only ever use in the garden for the chucks and ducks...they never leave. I have seperate wellies in the car for dog walking (i even have a nice fashion pair too if we go to any country fairs/horse shows/ game fairs etc!!!...i love my wellies!!)

Just about to order netting, we need quite a lot so it'll be quite a task this weekend to install it over our huge pen as it'll need bracing too. More flipping jobs :barnie

Mine are already going crackers at not going out today....29 days left and there an advent calendar available for that???!!!
Stressing!!!! I've read all of the above but just want to check...
Our two girls are in an enclosed pen with their coop adjoined so nothing can get in nor them out. Should I put a tarp over the top incase of wild bird droppings? We could put the whole pen and coop in the garage but that would be even more boring for the poor things. Felt awful not letting them free range today and have a swim in their paddling pool! Brought them into the house for a few tomatoes and a cuddle and I can see them using the bath soon...

Just putting a tarp over the run should do the job. Make sure that there is no way that bird poop can get to the water and food. I personally put mine in the garage, but that is because they free-range and don't have a run to confine them in.
What a nightmare this is, I only have a few chickens and ducks, I will have to keep them in their henhouse as their run does not have a roof and we do get crows and magpies in the garden. This is really worrying, stressed out about this!
Hello! I've never seen the U.K thread on here, we are Australian but live in the north east of England and have done for 2 years. We have two little flocks of chickens. 4 hens and a rooster in each. I love them!

This bird flu is very stressful! We are going to Australia for Christmas on Saturday so this couldn't have happened with less time to prepare. We have spent the last few weeks extending the size of their runs but now have to reduced them again as we've ordered some tarps to put ontop to act as a roof... Sod's law.

As family are looking after the chooks while we are away we are trying to get everything sorted before we go, the tarps are due to arrive on Friday. Feed is inside the coup which is attached to their runs and will move their waterers under cover until the tarps come.

Glad luck to everyone and I hope we stay flu free!


What part of the north east are you in?

At least this has been announced before you leave, so you are able to make some arrangements.

My neighbour has kindly agreed to me using his coop and run(he is a star!), so that solves part of my problem. I should be able to put between 15 - 20 (it's way more than I would be comfortable with but needs must!) in there but I will need to keep food and water in the coop and place a cargo net and possibly tarp as well over the run. I worry about a tarp in windy weather, so lets hope the next 30 days are calm weather wise.

A farmer friend has an empty coop that I could possibly put some others in but I need to do some construction still on the pens down here at home as well....must head out and crack on with that now! My 30 days might have to start a few days behind everyone else's


What part of the north east are you in?

At least this has been announced before you leave, so you are able to make some arrangements.

My neighbour has kindly agreed to me using his coop and run(he is a star!), so that solves part of my problem. I should be able to put between 15 - 20 (it's way more than I would be comfortable with but needs must!) in there but I will need to keep food and water in the coop and place a cargo net and possibly tarp as well over the run. I worry about a tarp in windy weather, so lets hope the next 30 days are calm weather wise.

A farmer friend has an empty coop that I could possibly put some others in but I need to do some construction still on the pens down here at home as well....must head out and crack on with that now! My 30 days might have to start a few days behind everyone else's :oops: .  

We are happy that we have time to get things sorted. We just went and put one tarp up and waiting for the other to arrive in the post hopefully tomorrow. Otherwise instructions will be left for the family so they can put it up :)

Poor chickens won't be happy when they wake up and realize their run is half the size for the next 30 days- if only they knew how much we loved them haha.

We like just outside of Sunderland, right in the middle of Newcastle and Durham really. Bit of a weather change to sunny Australia but what an adventure it has been so far.

I'm local to the north east as you can see under my avatar... I'm the other side of Durham to you. My sister lives just outside Sunderland.
Yes, I imagine it has been a bit of a culture and climate shock moving from Australia. My best friend has just moved in the opposite direction, to Brisbane and is struggling with the heat, but loves the way of life.
Well done for getting one tarp sorted.

Hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip....assume you are going back out there to spend Christmas with family.

Best wishes


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