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Hi Barbara :)
Vet been out this aft and all should be ok with Harry :ya
He didn't scan as he could see it looked so much better from his last visit. Did the prodding and poking of it, walk and trot up plus flextion test and he was much improved :bow The vet thinks he's just got a minor tear in the sheath or he's strained it. Now the swelling and heat has gone he could get a much better look at it. Over the next 2 weeks I can increase his paddock size and fingers crossed he won't do anything stupid. I can also do 20 minutes of walking with him :clapAs long as things are gradually built up he should be ok. I'm feeling such a relief right now plus I've not had the expense of a scan which is a plus and the call out for today will be split three ways as a couple of others had a vaccination and teeth done so that's saved a few pennies too!

Hope you are all well and things are going ok for you.
Catch you soon.

Kim xx
Not locked down yet no. Its day 25 today but there's been lots of wiggling and one egg air cell dropped dramatically with slight shadowing at the back of the cell. Because of this, I stopped turning today and positioned them all with the largest part of the air cell pointing upwards.

I haven't changed humidity at all yet as I think you're meant to wait for an internal pip?

At 25 days it seems early but they've lost 15% of their weight already.

Am I doing ok? I get more excited with every wiggle!!!:clap

Sounds like you are doing great :woot
Watching them wiggle sure is fun!
:yahi . Peeps weather still horrid here chickens look like they need anti depressants :D but the ducks are being very naughty today playing tricks on the poor chickens sneaking up behind them and pulling their tales then running off chickens have no idea whs doing it.
ducks are not doing it hard like they are trying to hurt them just seem to think its ammusing watching them trying to work out who or what done it :clapone of them will get caught in a min :lau
@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

So sorry to hear you pranged your van(very frustrating), but fantastic news about Harry. I'm so relieved for you. I hope he continues to make good steady progress.
I have used a variety of scrap yard search facilities to find spare parts. Breakeryard and another one called 247spares are two of them. If you do a google search for "scrap yard search" you will get various search site options including these. Put your Reg No. and part description into the search fields and your email address and then sit back and wait for the various scrap yards to email you with prices for that part. It's a great facility. I would advise to use more than one search site as they have different scrap yards signed up to them and don't be in too much of a hurry to take the first reasonably priced part. Good luck getting it sorted cheaply.

Unfortunately Cora is no better now that we have had some rain. It has made the ground greasy and because their field is on a hillside, she is sliding which is causing her more problems with her stiff back end and she doesn't seem to be any more comfortable at the front. I have thrown Glucosamine and MSM into the mix as well as No Bute but pretty sure I am going to have to go down the route of vet and Bute but as it is probably my last hope for her, I'm almost loath to try it. She looks so well for her age.... not too fat or thin, nice apple bottom, no dippy back, hooves are good. Dentist always says she has beautiful teeth... has come out of winter in good condition with only a bag of haylage a day and no hard feed..... she's just stiff and sore, poor girl..... a bit like me! It's old age!
I had intended to bite the bullet and get the vet this week but also wanted to see if the softer ground would help. It will have to be next week now but hoping for a significant improvement in the meantime.
We are going to ride all 3 "youngsters" (I use the term loosely) out again tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to and hoping they mostly behave themselves. I'm not so apprehensive this time.

Went to see a fabulous dance show last night at The Sage with Kevin and Karen Clifton from Strictly.... it was absolutely sensational! Still on a high from that.

Hope you have a good weekend.

Best wishes

:yahi . Peeps weather still horrid here chickens look like they need anti depressants :D but the ducks are being very naughty today playing tricks on the poor chickens sneaking up behind them and pulling their tales then running off chickens have no idea whs doing it.
ducks are not doing it hard like they are trying to hurt them just seem to think its ammusing watching them trying to work out who or what done it :clapone of them will get caught in a min :lau

Cheeky ducks !!
Quick question for you all:
Which thermometer should I go with?
The Brinsea shows 38.6 on its setting, but inside I've got 2 thermometers side by side showing different figures.


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Not locked down yet no. Its day 25 today but there's been lots of wiggling and one egg air cell dropped dramatically with slight shadowing at the back of the cell. Because of this, I stopped turning today and positioned them all with the largest part of the air cell pointing upwards.

I haven't changed humidity at all yet as I think you're meant to wait for an internal pip?

At 25 days it seems early but they've lost 15% of their weight already.

Am I doing ok? I get more excited with every wiggle!!!:clap

What breed of goose are you incubating? I'm candling my 6 Africans in a couple of days and I'm quite nervous...

What breed of goose are you incubating? I'm candling my 6 Africans in a couple of days and I'm quite nervous...
Well I'm told they are Embdens, one of the heaviest breeds. It's my first time and I'm kind of 'winging it' if you'll forgive the pun.
What day are you on? I'm also on the 2017 Gosling Hatchalong thread with the last of us stragglers still hatching geese this year. That's if you fancy a look!;)

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