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They're doing really well. All 6 running and flapping around. They're already flying/jumping to sit on the sides of their brooder, so they might need to hop it out of my office v.soon.
I've bred my ex batts with my CCL Roo ! I'm hoping for lots of green eggs... at the minute I've got some very cute barred chicks and 2 white ones

Marans eggs are definitely next on my list, but for some reason I'm thinking English standard, not French... however they seem hard to come by.
Either way, Marans are on my watch list. I hear many scary stories about ebay eggs...

How did you choose your Lancashire supplier?
How are they getting on?
Aww maybe time to go outside soon then! They grow so fast. Well one of the ducklings that tried hatching came out with no eyes and a underbite which was really shocking! Maran chicks are amazing mine are big fluff balls look at the size of them compared to the duckling :lau


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Marans eggs are definitely next on my list, but for some reason I'm thinking English standard, not French... however they seem hard to come by.
Either way, Marans are on my watch list. I hear many scary stories about ebay eggs...

How did you choose your Lancashire supplier?
How are they getting on?

Yes mine are English Cuckoo Marans.
The only reason I'm buying in eggs is for a new cockerel, so it's a risky business :fl
The guy breeds for big breed standard birds which I like, as well as dark eggs and his strain is half related to mine so should make for a better match.

This is the colour of mine only a few weeks ago before the colour started to drop off.


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What's the size difference? I've only done a weeks difference but I usually go by size incase of bullying etc.

They're the same mix breed, so they'll be quite large at 3 weeks. I've only got one Brinsea eco 20 brooder. I guess I'm worried the 3 weeks babies will get cold if I don't have them under a brooder... but it is summer....

To be honest I use 2 weeks as the max and it's always proved ok.

Not sure about 3 weeks

Look what's just hatched

They are so lovely !
Are they the Marans babies? How was the hatch rate?
They're the same mix breed, so they'll be quite large at 3 weeks. I've only got one Brinsea eco 20 brooder. I guess I'm worried the 3 weeks babies will get cold if I don't have them under a brooder... but it is summer....

They are so lovely !
Are they the Marans babies? How was the hatch rate?
They should be fine if not you can always make a brooder? Mine are in a big see through storage box with the lamp screwed in at the top. Going to start slowly introducing my maran chicks to the outside at 3-4 weeks depending on the weather. They must have the feathers coming through now?

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