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Oh no blood in poop? But not diarrhoea. I’ve only noticed blood in one poop. I don’t know which of my girls did it but one seems quieter than normal. What do I do??
I'm sorry I dont' know - I'd say seperate but if you arent' sure then that may not help much.
Thank you @PouleChick i ended up posting in the main forum too and asked my breeder as I was having a little panick, she says it could be intestinal lining but could be coccidiosis so to keep an eye out for any more bloody poops and treat with coxoid in their water if I see any more. It’s scary cos I don’t know what I’m doing but I guess I’ll have to get used to this sort of thing if I’m going to look after my girls properly :(
I know how you feel - it is so scary as a new chook mama! I feel like I have had so many things happen in the last 6 months! Currently panicking about lock down as I have 5 eggs in the incubator (my broody knocked them out the day after they were returned to her a few days back). Long story basically I think she is in the wrong spot but she would not be moved (tried 4 nights and she kept going straight back) and she is in what was a temporary coop but with no floor and on a slope so I think she knocks her box over sometimes getting out. I've had the eggs in and out of the incubator and under her. She is a new and young pullet so I have decided to leave her with the 5 she has as she seems to be coping with them and I've put 5 in the incubator and will put them under her when they hatch and she has hatched her 1/2 of the lot! Tomorrow evening will be day 18 so trying to work out what I'll be doing!
Chickens do shed intestinal lining and can be quite worrying if you haven't seen it before. I have a hen suffering from coccidiosis at the moment. They normally go withdrawn and look like a fluffed up ball standing around not doing much. It's a bit of a guess if they do have it as this behaviour can be symptoms of other things too. If you have a vet that sees chickens they can do a poop test and give you some meds. Unfortunately, in my experience all of my hens have had it at some point and some seem to have it more often. They should build up some level of resistance. If you put apple cider vinegar in the water for a week once a month it goes some way to stave it off. And it is really good for the hens. You can use coxoid as it is amprolium which is the same as corid which we can't get over here. Keep an eye on her and make sure she eating and drinking. She should pull through.:)
I know how you feel - it is so scary as a new chook mama! I feel like I have had so many things happen in the last 6 months! Currently panicking about lock down as I have 5 eggs in the incubator (my broody knocked them out the day after they were returned to her a few days back). Long story basically I think she is in the wrong spot but she would not be moved (tried 4 nights and she kept going straight back) and she is in what was a temporary coop but with no floor and on a slope so I think she knocks her box over sometimes getting out. I've had the eggs in and out of the incubator and under her. She is a new and young pullet so I have decided to leave her with the 5 she has as she seems to be coping with them and I've put 5 in the incubator and will put them under her when they hatch and she has hatched her 1/2 of the lot! Tomorrow evening will be day 18 so trying to work out what I'll be doing!
Good luck with the hatch! I have two brahmas that seem to be broody every other week apart from when I needed a broody! I ended up incubating and the hatch was a bit stressful. I ended up doing three assists! I'm sure you'll be fine. It's great to know it not only me that gets the runaround from chickens!
Just be careful of the poop in the garden. It attracts so many flies -_- [/QUOTE said:
not if you live in Scotland.
I used to live in Cambridge and I remember the flies! they were the bane of every summer!
Hence the fact that I kept bees instead of chickens when i lived there.

Here its cool and rains plenty.
My chooks are completely free range and stay very healthy if i only clean under their roost once every few months. (more in winter, less in summer)
@JemimaP it's a faecal test. Detects intestinal worms;

I went through the vet so they also tested for bacterial stuff like salmonella.

I give my birds echinacea tea for their water and i've never had any disease in them at all.
We live right next to the largest battery hen farm in Europe and they spread the manure all over the fields around us so I'd think they would be at high risk otherwise.

I also add ginger in the winter and garlic during summer.
I havent' heard of using ginger. Do you use powdered or fresh and in what quantities? And same for the garlic? One of the things on my list to find out about / do but for the moment too bogged down on getting my flock all hatched to do anything else!

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