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My rabbits free roam the garden all day, but for the first week or so I only let them out when I was there. I'd stand in the kitchen and watch, out of sight.

For maybe a week the cats would investigate, following the rabbits around. Milo is big and dumb and he'd just ignore them. Sophie would taunt them, hopping up slowly, nibbling the grass, and when she got close enough she'd attack the cat. She was a mean old girl. Eventually I felt confident that the cats were not going to be a problem.

The same thing for the chickens roaming; I'd watch from the kitchen, the cats spent about a week investigating and then gave up, because a flock of tiny dinosaurs is actually quite formidable.

But I don't let the chickens range unless I can at least hear them through an open window. My main concern is the foxes. Haven't seen them for months, but I can't just assume they're not there. The rabbits can get in the house through the cat flap, and only the most determined fox is going to follow something into a house. But the chickens would be easy pickings.
So I’ve just chased a massive cat from my garden. We have a lot of wild birds and the magpie was going crazy and when I looked out the window this huge cat was climbing out of garden so it had been down in the bushes.
Would a cat kill 11 week old Pekin Bantams? 2 of them are big now but 2 are quite small, my smallest is the size of a pigeon.
Scared :oops:
Yes - a grown cat will kill pigeon sized chickens, chicks etc. Water pistol is a great idea :)
I used to get alot of cats in my garden. But since I got chickens they don't seem to come in now. I think that when yours are fully grown you should be OK but for the time being be vigilant. Could you get a cockeral?
I’d love a cockerel but we have neighbours both sides so I can’t unfortunately. I’ll be more careful til they’re fully grown!
I was worried about the same thing as my Oscar the cat is a great hunter, mice, small rabbits etc. I was walking my 3 back to the outside room from thier run when they were smaller and Oscar was there. Clementine puffed herself up put her wings up and flew at him like a banchee - poor Oscar was terrified and ran for the house! They now have some sort of agreement and Oscar hangs out near them but is wary if C gets to close (she likes his tail waving). I agree with the others though, I'd be locking them up until they are a bit bigger! One of my 2 week old chicks is a little Bantam Pekin and is sooooo cute :love:loveand tiny!
I've actually been terrible this hatch and have hardly any pics - I'll make an effort to go down with my good camera this afternoon. Actually I have one of her / him newborn - my goodness so tiny :love:love

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That was the most painful football match I have ever seen!

They should get rugby ref’s on the pitch! They wouldn’t stand for all the shouting & balling in their faces! Or the falling around on the floor like they have been shot by a sniper! For me football is getting worse!

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