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They should get rugby ref’s on the pitch! They wouldn’t stand for all the shouting & balling in their faces! Or the falling around on the floor like they have been shot by a sniper! For me football is getting worse!
Your so right! I'm not a big football fan but I thought I'd better watch it. Hopefully Saturday will be a more dignified affair! Im coping alright with the heat apart from sunburn on my head! Should get a hat really! Chickens get fresh cool water a couple of times a day but so far so good. Touchwood! How are you doing?
I’m ok thanks. Bit hot doing outside work and we’ve had 2 days of getting my hay in for the winter. Being sweaty and getting hay stuck to you as you throw them up on the pick up has not been pleasant! It literally got everywhere!
It rained a little today. I am so fed up of watering the garden. Eugh. I work in a kitchen, but spent most of today reading my book because we had a grand total of 8 customers in 6 hours.

My chucks have a paddling pool and I extended the tarp on their run for extra shade, put ice bottles in their water bowls. Coop might have been a bit... cosy.
I read a post on another thread where someone had fitted aircon to the chicken coop! They were from central texas and regularly had temperatures of 100f+! I don't think we're quite there yet but aircon would definitely be a luxury I'd appreciate!! Nevermind the chickens! I'd be sat in the coop!
Here in upstate NY the temp have been 95-99F (about 34C). Too hot and humid to get anything done after 11am or before 5pm for me! We desperately need rain for the garden. Chickens have been lounging in the barn where it's cooler.
We had an enormous storm yesterday (I think maybe 3cm or so of rain) - wiped out most of the Dordogne and some of the Correzes electricity - we have only just been reconnected after over 24 hours :eek:. This is the first year I've not had to water so far :ya(well other than the pots - the veg patch is doing fine though)- last year I started in April but we've been having hot days and then storms overnight which I love!

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