UK Member Please Say HI

@CCUK Ive got none set yet, aimed to have it done by now but the cars pushed it back. Garage just rang and I’ve been told that it’s looking like a write off, £4,700 repair bill and now it’s in the hands of the insurers. The joys of motoring.

The planned extension hasn’t happened yet either, I’ll do it tomorrow to keep myself busy.
Lovely video, @Yorkshire Coop. Our dogs love the snow, too, as do the chickens; everyone seems to want to eat it. I managed to go teacup in the yard today; cruel irony that it's clear of ice now.

Yes it was Tally’s first look at snow & it sent her crazy! Are you ok after your teacup incident? Was it on mud? The mud is very slippery here at the moment.

Yup... crashed my car in it! Hit black ice at 5AM Friday, span my car and hit a barrier side on at 30mph. Bent front and back panels, broke break light and I may have bent my rear axle, undrivable. The damage doesn’t look too bad! The wheel looks like \ that though. Insurance company is coming to collect it tomorrow, hope it’s repairable.

Crikey! Are you ok now? Sometimes it can take a few days for the aches & pains to develop.

I lost Hope last night. Went to check on her this morning. She was on the floor. Bless her. Her life ended better than it started.

Oh no poor Hope. Sorry to hear she has passed on :hugs

Hello all - glad to see everyone survived the snow! We didn't get much snow here but the temp was -30F (-34C) for a couple of days - bit chilly! Needless to say the ladies would not stick their beaks outside the barn:).

Oh my -34c!! How do you cope with that? That is seriously cold never mind a bit chilly! :lol:
@CCUK glad she's done so well; I rememember how bad she looked when you got her. Shame about your other; like you say, selective breeding and stocking density take their toll on production birds and even a good home can't repair the damage.

just rang and I’ve been told that it’s looking like a write off, £4,700 repair bill and now it’s in the hands of the insurers. The joys of motoring.

Blimey; did they gold plate it for you too? Fingers crossed it all gets sorted out with insurance, and glad you're alright, albeit bruised.

Yes it was Tally’s first look at snow & it sent her crazy! Are you ok after your teacup incident? Was it on mud? The mud is very slippery here at the moment.
Oh, I go over in the mud all the time. It's only on ice that it hurts you. :rolleyes:
What's a 'teacup' - I'm a bit confused :gig
Hello all. UK member from Preston here. Just started keeping again after a 4-year break. Bought 3 Rhode Stars and they are just delightful.
Hi and welcome to the thread! I love my 2 hybrids - they are so funny and have so much personality! Are they red?
Hello all. UK member from Preston here. Just started keeping again after a 4-year break. Bought 3 Rhode Stars and they are just delightful.

Hi & welcome to the thread! That’s quite a break there you have had. I’m sure you must be enjoying keeping again :)

What's a 'teacup' - I'm a bit confused :gig

Tipping over like a teacup, that’s what I took it mean :lol:
Hi everyone

Yes, long break, 9 years of Chemo, Radio and a transplant. I'm in remission now and I told myself if I ever got to 3 years I'd treat us to some chickens. They're worth the wait.

Yes, they are red. We've had Bluebells, Blackrock, Amber Star and a Speckeldy before now and this time I wanted plain old reds, I actually find they are beautiful. The others were dark, these more colourful.

Their names....well... we've gone for a "Darling Buds" theme with Primrose, Petunia, and Victoria!


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