UK Member Please Say HI

ah, fair enough. My nest boxes are close to the base and the roosts are low too. The whole coop is about a foot off the ground, and the chicks struggled with that ramp at first (very patient broody showed them multiple times of course) so it may be better to set something up on the coop floor in your case, if you can.

Im not trying to seperate this forum up but i thought it would be nice to know who and how many UK based members there are here

The main reason is then as the members in USA conduct Egg Swaps and Counrty and County based Sales and Advice then we can see who would be best to ask for local advise

So Any UK member just say Hi and state which Town/County your in

I will Start

I'm in UK, West London [Berkshire]

If you are still interested in who and where we are I would just like to add that I am Avril on Cannock Chase nr Lichfield. I have 3 ex bats All Warrens. My Great Grand daughter named them Milly Molly & Maisie. It's cold and wet at the moment so they haven't been out much. They just keep going back in their little run.
Arrrrhhhh my lovely Matilda has passed away :hit:hit. I just went down to get my little guy an egg for his brekkie and I saw her in the corner of the coop. I didn't get her out as I'm still in my PJs and I didn't really want R getting all upset before he goes to school so I'll have to go and get her later. She is a black sex link type chicken - I did notice she was on the nest box a lot yesterday and I thought I'd double check on her and give her an all over today but it was obviously something serious :hitI know these hybrid layers are not going to live as long as heritage breeds and are prone to reproductive issues but she was only 16 months old, I thought I'd have her a bit longer than this :hit. She was one of my original 3 I got to start my flock Christmas 2017 and they were my babies, I carried them and handled them a lot (thier coop origianally was in a lean too on the house and thier run in the garden so until they learnt to follow me back and forwards I carried them). She was so lovely - probably my favorite of the 3 :hit. Now I think of it the only thing I noticed was that she had feathers that seemed a bit thin on her butt (one of the things I was going to check on today), I'm now wondering if it was swelling. Devestated I didn't want to disturb her on the nest yesterday, she might still be here.
RIP Matilda :love


I'm considering doing an autopsy to try to find out what went wrong.
Arrrrhhhh my lovely Matilda has passed away :hit:hit. I just went down to get my little guy an egg for his brekkie and I saw her in the corner of the coop. I didn't get her out as I'm still in my PJs and I didn't really want R getting all upset before he goes to school so I'll have to go and get her later. She is a black sex link type chicken - I did notice she was on the nest box a lot yesterday and I thought I'd double check on her and give her an all over today but it was obviously something serious :hitI know these hybrid layers are not going to live as long as heritage breeds and are prone to reproductive issues but she was only 16 months old, I thought I'd have her a bit longer than this :hit. She was one of my original 3 I got to start my flock Christmas 2017 and they were my babies, I carried them and handled them a lot (thier coop origianally was in a lean too on the house and thier run in the garden so until they learnt to follow me back and forwards I carried them). She was so lovely - probably my favorite of the 3 :hit. Now I think of it the only thing I noticed was that she had feathers that seemed a bit thin on her butt (one of the things I was going to check on today), I'm now wondering if it was swelling. Devestated I didn't want to disturb her on the nest yesterday, she might still be here.
RIP Matilda :love


I'm considering doing an autopsy to try to find out what went wrong.
Hi @PouleChick. Sorry to hear about your hen.:hugs I just read your other post. I'd have said egg bound initially but that looks like peritonitis. :( It's a good idea not to let your little see her before school. My kids have found a couple of mine in the past. I leave for work early so they normally let them out. It's always upsetting to find one. I had one die from being egg bound last year. We tried everything to get it out to no avail. When she died the bloody thing just popped out. :hit It was heartbreaking.
On to the beginning of life, speckle has hatched her eggs! :jumpy Out of six there was only two though. The two maracauna eggs weren't fertile so got removed early on. Two were quitters at about day 10 i think. But the last two are healthy little bundles of fluff!

They are araucana chicks. I just really hope they are both hens!
If you are still interested in who and where we are I would just like to add that I am Avril on Cannock Chase nr Lichfield. I have 3 ex bats All Warrens. My Great Grand daughter named them Milly Molly & Maisie. It's cold and wet at the moment so they haven't been out much. They just keep going back in their little run.
Hello @StaffordshireLady. A belated welcome to BYC!

You have hot some nice hens. I have 4 ex bats left from 6. They are lovely and so friendly. They don't lay much but I'm happy with that.

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