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9 from mine; turns out she had 10 eggs, not 8, though no idea if that was my doing or hers. Pleased, nonetheless.

I've been selling an awful lot of hatching eggs recently; seems spring is here, just not insofar as the weather is concerned. Anyone else seen floods? The detour I have been using due to a flood is now flooded too; delightful. :rolleyes:
I bet that was a surprise to find 9 chicks from 8 eggs! Typical hen sneaking an extra couple in there! Thankfully we haven't had any flooding. The weather seems to have been quite forgiving over here. It was wet last week though but its started to get nice again. Hopefully that's it and we will all start to enjoy better weather!
How are Speckle's doing? Hopefully the weather does turn up; I imagine your living room is getting full! Has she started to be nicer to Millie yet?

I've had to put one of the runs I took down for reloation before winter back up where it came from for the 20 older chicks to go into. Still stood waiting for the ground to dry enough to work with; it's getting terribly frustrating.
Hi folks, been a while since I came by here. A friend of my sister has a new landlord (local council, instead of housing association) and they've given her 28 days to get rid of her two bantam(?) silkies (not seen them myself, just got a frantic call from the sister today). Just wondering if any of you know where she could get help with this (or if anyone would like to give them a new home). She's in Tamworth, Staffs, but can transport them. I can't take them as my big ex-batts would bully them.

I've suggested she look into petting zoos, city farms, RSPCA at a push... Any online resources for rehoming you'd recommend or know of any rescues in Staffs/Warwick or even further afield?
How are Speckle's doing? Hopefully the weather does turn up; I imagine your living room is getting full! Has she started to be nicer to Millie yet?

I've had to put one of the runs I took down for reloation before winter back up where it came from for the 20 older chicks to go into. Still stood waiting for the ground to dry enough to work with; it's getting terribly frustrating.
She hasn't been with her since she went broody. Millie came in earlier when speckle was out with the chicks and they mostly ignored each other.

I'm going to try and make another run inside the enclosed run in the next week or two. I do enjoy having them in but they need to be out really.
Hi folks, been a while since I came by here. A friend of my sister has a new landlord (local council, instead of housing association) and they've given her 28 days to get rid of her two bantam(?) silkies (not seen them myself, just got a frantic call from the sister today). Just wondering if any of you know where she could get help with this (or if anyone would like to give them a new home). She's in Tamworth, Staffs, but can transport them. I can't take them as my big ex-batts would bully them.

I've suggested she look into petting zoos, city farms, RSPCA at a push... Any online resources for rehoming you'd recommend or know of any rescues in Staffs/Warwick or even further afield?
That's mean. Two silkies are no hassle. How come they won't let her keep them? A couple of dogs would leave more mess. Has she tried Facebook? There is a good group that covers Notts, leics, lincs and Vale of Belvoir. It's a closed group do you have to ask to join. There is alot of people on there.
That's mean. Two silkies are no hassle. How come they won't let her keep them? A couple of dogs would leave more mess. Has she tried Facebook? There is a good group that covers Notts, leics, lincs and Vale of Belvoir. It's a closed group do you have to ask to join. There is alot of people on there.

Not sure why. Best guess, some over officious inspector didn't like them.

Thanks, I'll give FB a poke and see what groups I can find.
Tenancy and pets is always iffy, but I agree that a dog is far more disruptive than a couple of hens. Has she had a word with the council regarding the situation? As she was already a tenant and already had the two hens before this person took over, could she be grandfathered in, and at least allowed to keep the two she has now for the remainder of their lifespan?

I don't have Facebook myself, but it ought to be a good resource in this matter; I know there is a group for Poultry in Shropshire too. Unfortunately I run a closed flock, so cannot offer to take them, but best of luck to your friend; I do hope she gets to keep them.

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