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Thank you @PouleChick ive only had them a year and I did read as much as I could but I feel so under equipped for this sort of thing.
She’s been slow and sleeping a lot for days. White diarrhoea. I’ve felt for an egg in her abdomen but I can’t feel anything unusual. I’m not sure what it should feel like but her belly is small and soft. She looks huge but she’s skin and bone. Her breast bone sticks out very sharp. Green diarrhoea stuck to her butt. Not a lot. Staggering to one side when she walks today. Hiding in coop.
Thank you @PouleChick ive only had them a year and I did read as much as I could but I feel so under equipped for this sort of thing.
She’s been slow and sleeping a lot for days. White diarrhoea. I’ve felt for an egg in her abdomen but I can’t feel anything unusual. I’m not sure what it should feel like but her belly is small and soft. She looks huge but she’s skin and bone. Her breast bone sticks out very sharp. Green diarrhoea stuck to her butt. Not a lot. Staggering to one side when she walks today. Hiding in coop.
Oh no. I'm sorry this is happening. If you can feel the breast (keel) bone then she has been losing weight. Thus can be overlooked as there feathers can hide weight loss. Green poo is usually a sign that she isn't eating enough, obviously with her weight loss. Can you give her some plain natural yoghurt with maybe a little bit of porridge oats mixed in. Also some electrolytes in her water. Separating her will be a good idea in a warm quiet place if you can.
Thank you. She’s out freeranging all day and always looks like she’s eating (until today). Just yesterday afternoon she stood and ate for about 10 minutes solid when I filled up the feeder. So strange. She won’t try anything at all today I’ve offered her various things but she’s just lying there ignoring everything. Thinking she could be egg bound and maybe that’s why no proper poop is getting out?
Thank you. She’s out freeranging all day and always looks like she’s eating (until today). Just yesterday afternoon she stood and ate for about 10 minutes solid when I filled up the feeder. So strange. She won’t try anything at all today I’ve offered her various things but she’s just lying there ignoring everything. Thinking she could be egg bound and maybe that’s why no proper poop is getting out?
If she is egg bound she will be walking about looking straddled, panting and spending alot if time in or around the next box. Can you feel an egg in her abdomen or is it just squishy?
I can’t feel an egg. Her belly is small and soft but I don’t really know what I’m doing.
She does waddle (tho today she’s been staggering) but she’s a Pekin bantam so they have very little legs and waddle at the best of times. Last few days she’s sat around and slept a lot but when she did get up she looked ok and pecking about. She did spend a lot of time in the nest box tho come to think of it.
She never did come into lay. Maybe this was her first egg poor thing.
I can’t feel an egg. Her belly is small and soft but I don’t really know what I’m doing.
She does waddle (tho today she’s been staggering) but she’s a Pekin bantam so they have very little legs and waddle at the best of times. Last few days she’s sat around and slept a lot but when she did get up she looked ok and pecking about. She did spend a lot of time in the nest box tho come to think of it.
She never did come into lay. Maybe this was her first egg poor thing.
I'd suggest giving her rear end a soak in Epsom salts for about 10-15 mins whilst massaging her belly. Dry her up best you can and give her some natural yoghurt. Have you got a calcium tablet that you could crush up and mix in? Keep her in a warm darkish room for the rest of the day.
Ok I’ll go get her. I set up my dog crate to pop her in but then I felt she’d be happier in a familiar dark nest box, she’s never been in the house so I was worried I’d cause her so much stress she’d die a terrified death. You think it’s best to bring her in though?
Ok I’ll go get her. I set up my dog crate to pop her in but then I felt she’d be happier in a familiar dark nest box, she’s never been in the house so I was worried I’d cause her so much stress she’d die a terrified death. You think it’s best to bring her in though?
She will be fine. So long as its quiet. It will be easier to keep an eye on her too.

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