UK Member Please Say HI

I am in Winchester in the UK, and I have six pretty little pekin bantams

Thank you so much for replying! I would worry bantams would get picked on by the bigger birds in my flock! But I really appreciate the help :highfive: I think I've found some English Silver Dorking chicks near me, born on the same day even. So hopefully Noodle will no longer be lonely!

Here is Noodle on top of the aga watching chick videos with his fluffy ball while I was baking cookies :jumpy
I am so gutted about this thread but I need help 😭 one of my arse hole neighbours keeps reporting my 2 ducks to the housing and now sayin I need to get rid of them is anyone around Manchester able to help and take them and who will look after them and love them like i do I have a boy and girl who have been together since hatched they r my babes and I am heartbroken about this 💔
I am so gutted about this thread but I need help 😭 one of my arse hole neighbours keeps reporting my 2 ducks to the housing and now sayin I need to get rid of them is anyone around Manchester able to help and take them and who will look after them and love them like i do I have a boy and girl who have been together since hatched they r my babes and I am heartbroken about this 💔
Sorry to hear that it’s such a shame, if I was closer to Manchester I would have took them off you and looked after them.
I am so gutted about this thread but I need help 😭 one of my arse hole neighbours keeps reporting my 2 ducks to the housing and now sayin I need to get rid of them is anyone around Manchester able to help and take them and who will look after them and love them like i do I have a boy and girl who have been together since hatched they r my babes and I am heartbroken about this 💔
This is awful. I'm so sorry. I rehomed 4 chickens from someone last year as they had neighbours that also complained. Sadly I can't take ducks but if you are on Facebook there may be a poultry group local to you that may help. I have also sold some fantail pigeons on preloved. They were all taken by experienced keepers to good homes.

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