UK Member Please Say HI

Not a rat but a rabbit!!! These cats are good catchers! She caught it and he ate it! I was gipping :sick


And on another good note the sheep have been sheared! They will deffo be grateful for it today and rest of week!

Im not trying to seperate this forum up but i thought it would be nice to know who and how many UK based members there are here

The main reason is then as the members in USA conduct Egg Swaps and Counrty and County based Sales and Advice then we can see who would be best to ask for local advise

So Any UK member just say Hi and state which Town/County your in

I will Start

I'm in UK, West London [Berkshire]

Im not trying to seperate this forum up but i thought it would be nice to know who and how many UK based members there are here

The main reason is then as the members in USA conduct Egg Swaps and Counrty and County based Sales and Advice then we can see who would be best to ask for local advise

So Any UK member just say Hi and state which Town/County your in

I will Start

I'm in UK, West London [Berkshire]

I’m in Worcestershire and I keep chickens and sheep with a couple of badly behaved donkeys thrown in for good measure. We also have 5 cats and some ducks and geese have moved in to our pond.

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