Um, Is This Person a Member of BYC?

Maybe this person just googled 'chicken pen' or something and yours came up? I would agree that they seem to be using it as an example, but for sure if you feel wierd about it, have them take it down.

edit: WHOOPS! This is Jess (ChicknThief)
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I, too, think that they are just giving ideas of what chicken coops can look like for people who read the ad.

Wow! What a compliment that of all the billions of chicken coops on the internet they chose yours as what they want!!!

I want yours too....
(but I'm thrilled with mine)
Bet they'd be surprised to hear from the owner of the actual coop in Georgia when they probably thought, hey, I'm in Texas, they'll never know. Goes to show that the net is a small world, LOL.
Cyn, DH told me last week he wanted to build me another henhouse to house just the Brahmas...I said we will go to the coop section on BYC and you tell me which you would like to see and could build for me...Well,, low and behold he says I like this one!!! Its your Clutch Hutch!!...LOL.. I said I know Cyn, I'll talk to her if we need help with ideas and how much material... was so funny...

Just so ya know I'm still in WV and didn't make a craiglisting
That's funny, Sandy. Did you see the 6-7 pages of construction photos on there? Lots of details and it's easy to count 2x4's, etc. I like that design because it's pretty simple. The roosts are completely different now, though. I still need new pics of those.
I sent that Craigslist guy an email. Here's what I wrote:

Just wanted to say I hope you find your free chicken pen. By the way, I like the cute little gray-green coop in the picture to the right of the box of chicks in your ad. It just happens to be mine! I'm all the way over in Georgia, LOL. At least it's my original one-now it has had 12' added on to one end to make it 20' long. Good luck finding your coop!

Wonder if it will unnerve him a little, LOL.​
Is this person expecting a free box of chicks too? Is that why that picture is there?

Well good luck to him.

I posted a few pictures of my horses on photobucket have found them on the net a few places too. It's kinda creepy at first, but I guess it's what sharing is net style.

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