Um, Is This Person a Member of BYC?

I want a free coop like Cyn's! where do i sign up?

i'm beginning to think a person could make a small fortune building chicken coops...
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I'd respond back to the add saying "WOW what a great looking coop..... I have one exactely like it! In fact that is it and you are using copyrighted photos without my permission"
It looks to me that he was trying to give an idea as to what he wants. If you don't like the fact that he hijacked your picture, so to speak, for his listing, I would let him know that you would like him to remove it. This is a common thing for people to do.
If you go to Photobucket and click on "my account" you can change the setting from public to private. It will also tell you how many time people have looked at your photos. I am so creeped out right now. 1390 times my album has been viewed. Yikes.... I would recommend everyone change to private.
A, yeah... Doing that right now. I don't need all of the weirdos in the world looking at my children.
cyn, i would keep a close watch on the coop if they gave the address, They had a news feature on one of our TV stations about some people going on craigslist and when someone had a house for sale, they would list the contents for free,the homeowners were shocked and had to call the police for all the people that showed up for the FREE CONTENTS OF HOME. marrie
Ok, I had NO idea that photobucket was open for the world to see!! I just checked and mine said 'public' and have over 2000 views a month! I'm shocked and SO thankful that jeaucamom mentioned you could change it to 'private'.

Thank you for educating me on this.

I hate giving out any personal info (including pictures) anywhere ... most especially on computers.
Looks to me like a compliment. I'd email him and say, "hey, thanks for using a pic of my coop, why don't cha join BYC and we can tell you how to make lots of diff. kinds of coops as well as mine!". Just to let him know you know......


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