Unbelievable ...miraculous ..still shakin' head.. LOL

Would it be possible to put her in a large tank w/lots of follage? I lucked out a few years ago when some FAA family left town and couldn't sell their 100 gallon AquaView w/oak hood and stand, got it for only $400!!! Maybe a 55 gallon would make her feel more at home w/follage and/or hiding places?
jaybme.. I think the "frogbutts" are really cute, actually. I just don't usually like the circumstances of them dropping their tails

starshrike... I know exactly what you mean.. it took me a long time to wrangle Sunny up yesterday cuz I was really trying to avoid her losing her tail. I think that was part of the disappointment of her dropping it after we got inside. She's fine, though. She ate a good bit last night and she is not thrashing around now.

Mahonri.. this is the "other pets & livestock" section, is it not? My chicken posts are in the appropriate sections.

snowy.. it is possible to house her in a huge tank, but it won't "fix" this situation, unfortunately. I've been working with them for a few years now, and no matter the size of the vivaria they are residing in ...some are just prone to wander.. need to wander. I had a male that was much the same way ..he just never figured out the front door, like Sunny has

Thanks, youdontknow32 ..I appreciate it!

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