Unbelievable timing...picture warning


8 Years
Oct 28, 2011
Tehama, Nor Cal (way nor)
I couldn't believe my timing tonight. I have never had a coon attack or possum or anything other than hawks. But tonight when I went out late to lock up the ducks around 12am (forgot to do it earlier) I checked on the chickens who choose to roost in the plum tree (note: never build your coop under a tree...duh). When I saw the chickens I also saw a possum that was literally within 2 feet of the birds there. I quickly tried to knock it out of the tree with a big stick but that only forced it higher into the tree. So I got the .22 rifle and took aim on those little glowing eyes that were high in the tree. I missed the first shot but the second got it right through its neck.
First I couldn't believe my timing and second I couldn't believe it only took two shots in the dark with only the glow of its eyes for a target through the branches and leaves.

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Usually what happens with me is I'll come home late from something, and my two Aussies walk up to me wagging their tails with a opossum in one of their jaws. They do a great job at protecting my flock, but I wish they would stop dropping the dead bodies literally at my doorstep...

You did a good job though. You're lucky that you walked in when you did. Of course, he might of just be after eggs, but either way you did the right thing. Glad your birds are all okay.
Usually what happens with me is I'll come home late from something, and my two Aussies walk up to me wagging their tails with a opossum in one of their jaws. They do a great job at protecting my flock, but I wish they would stop dropping the dead bodies literally at my doorstep...

You did a good job though. You're lucky that you walked in when you did. Of course, he might of just be after eggs, but either way you did the right thing. Glad your birds are all okay.
There were no eggs in the tree, only chickens.
Thanks all, it was my first time having to shoot an animal to protect my chickens and I don't get off on killing animals but I was pretty proud of myself
Nice shot indeed! The first time I popped a possum off the top of one of my coops, I couldn't help but be a little proud too.

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